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Cultivating a Heart of Empathy

Cultivating a Heart of Empathy

More than ever, humanity needs love and healing. Empathy changes and recharges the light of the soul. It will bring us back to purpose and keep the light of hope alive.

Empathy – The Heart of an Empath



Empathy is one of the signs of emotional intelligence. It is the ability to understand another from their point of reference and emotionally feel what they feel. This means to feel a person’s joy as well as their pain. To look through the lens of their eyes and experience their events as if they were ours. There are different kinds and degrees of empathy, and according to psychology, empathy is both a part of our evolution and a learned skill or behavior.

The state of empathy, or being empathic, is to perceive the internal frame of reference of another with accuracy and with the emotional components and meanings that pertain thereto as if one were the person.

 Carl Rogers


A person described as an empath is highly sensitive to other vibrational energies and experiences emotions physically as well. They are the first to feel, experience, and offer help, and when they say they care, it is obvious. Dealing with loud noises, crowds, negative outlooks, and cruelty of any kind can also set off alarms, elevating anxiety and fear. Learning how to function at a higher level during these events is key to maintaining emotional balance and keeping a positive outlook.

The empath has a variety of abilities and skills that go along with this life theme. Their Earth missions are complicated and varied, and their life plans are not easy. Empathy involves caring from the deepest levels of the heart. It is the core of our humanity, the reason we can love unconditionally. For an empath, it cannot be very clear whether the feelings belong to them or someone else.

An empath can read another person’s thoughts, emotions, and intentions. It happens all the time, although most people aren’t aware of it. Intuition is heightened, and spiritual energy is at high volume. Psychic ability develops through our empathy with practice and devotion. When a psychic is highly empathetic, they are extremely accurate with reading and interpreting messages for others from spirit. They send out an energy of peace, which helps put others at ease and helps develop trust between the reader and the person receiving the reading.



Empaths can help protect their energy fields by remembering to detach in many situations. Being able to understand another and offering comfort along with channeling positive energy (without depleting their own) is key. Empaths can heal themselves and others without taking on the negative energy as their own. Meditation, self-care, and a positive outlook on the benefits of being extra sensitive help greatly in transmuting energies. Setting boundaries, knowing when to end relationships, and understanding the motives of friends and family members help greatly. Rising above situations that bring in anxiety and fear is a learned skill over time.

Narcissists are drawn to empaths because they use the love and energy provided to them to feed their need for attention. The empath is always trying to save someone who is needy and broken until they learn that relationships are about loving each other equally and unconditionally. Narcissists don’t have or understand empathy, only that they need and seek attention for their own selfish purposes. Even though we all can have selfish thoughts or tendencies, most of us learn how to share and understand each other as humans.

An empath identifies the fact that love, patience, and understanding are more important than anything. They learn that, through time, not everyone has the same energy or values, and that is okay. Through spiritual evolution, they can learn to be responsible for how they honor life with their own growth—learning to embrace their feelings without holding them in means expressing them in more positive ways. An empath can listen, be a calm and peaceful voice for injustice, and inspire others not to be afraid to feel. More than ever, humanity needs love and healing. It is empathy that changes and recharges the light of the soul. Empathy will bring us back to purpose and keep the light of hope alive. These special abilities were meant to be shared to help this Earth heal and flourish. The heart of an empath is the soul song we can all learn to sing.



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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OMTimes Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read to clients all over the world. To learn more or contact us for a session, see


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