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17 Practices that Emotionally Hurt Your Cat

17 Practices that Emotionally Hurt Your Cat


Despite cats’ reputation for being cold and insensitive, their owners know that couldn’t be further from the truth. Even with a more independent demeanor, felines always find small ways to express their affection for their human companions, whether by seeking cuddles and attention or simply following them around the house.

Don’t Hurt Your Cat!



And like any creature, cats can also get hurt by some of our behaviors, so here’s a list of sixteen practices that can hurt your furry companion’s feelings.

 How you behave toward cats here below determines your status in Heaven.

Robert A. Heinlein


Seventeen Ways to Stunt Your Cats’ Emotional Growth

Not cleaning the litter box

Cats are extremely hygienic, but they dislike having to do their business in a dirty place. Even though many brands of cat litter, wood pellets, or silica promise to prevent strong odors for several days, it’s essential to clean the litter box daily for the cat’s comfort and to prevent them from choosing another spot in the house as their new bathroom.

After all, who in their right mind would feel comfortable using a toilet that hasn’t been flushed for almost a week?


Making loud noises

While shouting and loud noises might be annoying to many humans’ ears, it’s even worse for cats. Due to their extremely acute hearing, they can experience a condition called “auditory stress” caused by excessive noise in the environment. So, speaking loudly or playing music at full volume can hurt your cat’s feelings, making them feel that you don’t respect their sensitivities.

Of course, we can’t always avoid noisy situations, so a tip is to keep your cat in a quieter and more isolated area to avoid stressing them out until all the commotion subsides and they can return to their routine.


Leaving old food

One of the most common mistakes cat owners make is leaving food in the bowl for too long, especially when it comes to dry kibble. Although it may seem harmless, this can trigger the ancestral instinct to avoid rancid meat that could cause illness in many cats.

To avoid hearing indignant meows for better dining rights, it’s a good idea to establish mealtime schedules for your furry friend and only put what they can eat in the bowl. However, if this is not feasible for your routine, you can always try mixing the old kibble with fresh ones in the bag and hope your cat doesn’t figure out the trick.

It’s worth noting that the same instinct applies to water, so remember to clean and refill your cat’s water bowl frequently to keep it hydrated.



Certain behaviors, such as pulling their tail, messing up their fur, or picking up a cat that doesn’t like them, can be considered antagonistic and confusing. They agitate the cat and make it feel that its safety is compromised.

Avoiding these teasing “games” is essential to conveying trust and protection to your feline. Such actions may cause your feline to avoid contact with humans or even try to run away from home.



Removing them from your path

Cats are extremely curious creatures, always ready to “help” their owners with various tasks. While it may be necessary to move them aside for their safety in some situations, this doesn’t mean the act won’t hurt them.

So, before removing your nosy furry friend, take a second to let them get involved in the situation, give them a little pet, and then gently redirect them to a more convenient place.


Neglect and long periods of absence

One of the misconceptions people have about cats is the notion that they are not social creatures. On the contrary, even the most aloof species can benefit from contact with their owners, reciprocating affection uniquely.

Lack of attention, interaction, play, and extended periods of human absence can leave cats feeling disheartened or even depressed. So, if you have a busy schedule, don’t forget to set aside some time to enjoy quality moments with your furry companion. After all, just because they are independent doesn’t mean they don’t miss you.

Also, ignoring your cat’s needs for food, water, grooming, and medical care can make them feel bad and hurt them physically and emotionally.


Lack of stimulation

Cats need mental and physical stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. Without it, they can become bored and depressed.


Sudden changes in routine

Cats thrive on routine, and sudden changes can cause them to become anxious and stressed.


Separation anxiety

 If a cat is left alone for a long time, it can feel upset about being alone.




Loneliness is a significant emotional concern for cats. These independent and sociable creatures require companionship and interaction to thrive. When left alone for extended periods, they can experience feelings of isolation and sadness, which may lead to depression and behavioral issues.

Cats are known for their strong bonds with their human caregivers and often seek affection, attention, and interaction.


Lack of affection

Cats crave affection and attention from their owners. Lack of affection can cause them to become emotionally withdrawn.



Physical punishment can cause cats to become afraid of their owners and lead to behavioral problems.


Lack of privacy

Cats need privacy and designated space to retreat when they feel vulnerable or stressed. This solitude and personal space requirement is essential to their emotional well-being and happiness.

Cats are creatures of comfort and habit, and they value having a haven to escape their environment’s hustle and bustle. When they lack the necessary privacy or a secluded spot to call their own, it can lead to feelings of anxiety and unease.


Lack of social interaction

Cats are social animals and need regular interaction with their owners and other cats to stay emotionally healthy.

See Also
Cat Spirituality


Confining them to small spaces

Cats need space to move around and explore. Confining them in small areas can cause stress and anxiety.



Cats who are ill or in pain can become anxious and stressed, negatively affecting their emotional well-being.


 Inflicted Stress

Being around other animals that stress them out: Some cats may have a hard time being around other animals, which can cause them to become anxious and stressed.

Being around people who stress them out: Some cats may have a hard time being around certain people, which can cause them to become anxious and stressed.

Being around new things that stress them out: Some cats may have a hard time being around new things, which can cause them to become anxious and stressed.

Being around certain smells that stress them out: Some cats may find it difficult to be around certain smells, which can cause them to become anxious and stressed.

To avoid these things that can emotionally hurt your cat, you should strive to create a safe, stable, and loving environment for your feline friend. This can include providing them with plenty of food, water, and grooming, as well as plenty of social interaction, mental and physical stimulation, and regular veterinary care. Additionally, you should be aware of your cat’s emotional needs and avoid anything that may cause them stress or anxiety. You can help your cat live a happy and healthy life with the right care and attention.



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About the Author

Ministry Earth is a collective Awareness-Raising, Perception-Building Initiative from Humanity Healing International, Cathedral of the Soul Educational outreaches created to introduce the perspective of Ethical Consciousness and Nonhuman Personhood to its Animal & Eco Ministries. Ministry Earth is a  Service-Oriented Initiative, and its Magazine is a Copyrighted Publication of OMTimes Media, Inc. Broadcasting and Publishing House.


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