Elevate your energetic vibration and improve your health with these top ten foods! Explore the benefits of organic foods and the importance of raw fruits and vegetables in increasing vibrational frequency.
Foods to Raise Your Energy Levels
Everything in life emits a frequency, from plants to human beings. This frequency is connected to the level of vibration of our energy. Do you know those days when you felt happier and more positive? On those days, you are healthier, and your energetic vibration is higher. Equally, more negative days are related to lower vibrational levels. For your well-being, we’ve listed ten foods capable of increasing your vibrational frequency!
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food
Foods that Increase Your Vibrational Frequency
Organic Foods
The high level of pesticides in some foods can decrease their energetic frequency, making organic foods an excellent option to meet and increase your energy needs.
Which foods influence your positive energy?
Raw Fruits and Vegetables
Raw fruits and vegetables contain vital micronutrients responsible for blood circulation in our body. There is a fluid inside the cells of these foods called zeta potential, which, when found in low amounts in the human body, prevents the elimination of toxins and the transfer of nutrients from foods, making the body prone to certain diseases.
Magnesium Chloride
The balance of magnesium and calcium in the body is responsible for controlling certain hormones. Excess calcium releases hormones that remove calcium from the bones and transport it to soft tissues, destroying certain cells. Conversely, magnesium moves calcium from soft tissues back to the bones, where it belongs.
Living Food (Raw)
When food is heated, its frequency increases and then decreases until it completely stops, causing the death of the food — and, consequently most of its nutrients. Moreover, when we eat cooked foods, our white blood cells increase, trying to defend us from the toxins ingested from heating the food instead of fighting against real threats.
Sprouted Seeds
When we are sad, discouraged, or even sick, we feel apathetic and even unwilling to live. It is known that all living organisms emit light; thus, you, I, and that plant in the park are all emitting a certain number of photons — particles that form light — or, in other words, biophotons. Contact with the earth and the flourishing of life are useful for reestablishing this connection. Moreover, when you plant and cultivate the seeds, you amplify their nutritional value by 20,000 times. These seeds allow us to absorb all nutrients quickly, promoting body revitalization.
Aromatic Teas
Teas are a great option to replace milk. Knowing the medicinal properties of each is a great way to ensure well-being and consequently, a good mood.
Apple Cider Vinegar
This vinegar is great for combating inflammation food poisoning, promoting body rejuvenation, and balancing the pH of the blood and skin. Besides all this, it is a diuretic and excellent for those looking to lose weight.
Green Tea
This tea is special; in addition to delaying aging, being a diuretic, and a great combatant of cholesterol, it is also rich in bioflavonoids and catechins — substances that prevent cellular changes or, in other words, prevent tumor formation.
This food is a true miracle; it combats infections, malnutrition, and obesity, balances the digestive and epithelial systems, relieves stress, and helps in the healing of damaged tissues.
This plant, being very famous, ended up being a victim of counterfeiting. It can be found as a dark powder or used in its leaves for tea preparation. It is great for preventing and combating diabetes, constipation, fatigue, stimulating metabolism, and reducing pressure, and is also a great option to replace sugar as it is a calorie-free sweetener.
The act of putting into your mouth what the earth has grown is perhaps your most direct interaction with the earth.
Frances Moore Lappé
It is more than clear that good nutrition is the secret to a healthy life, but, much more than that, cultivating this type of diet is a great way to increase the body’s energetic vibration, making us feel more cheerful, happy, and well-disposed! Ready to venture with these vibrational foods? Just don’t forget to tell us in the comments the effects you felt!
This could lead us to conclude that to maintain health standards from the cellular level to the general level, we should preferably consume whole foods, living foods that have more enzymes, bioelectric energy, bioluminescence, bioactive electrons, biophotons, phytonutrients, elevated vibratory fields, and overall vital energy. When we consume living foods, we commune with the vital energy of the planet, immersing ourselves in the energy of the food as an expression of the creator. The ideal diet in this line should be individualized, giving preference to living organic, locally grown, vegan foods that are highly mineralized, low in calories, and with good hydration—food prepared with love, consumed with awareness and gratitude.
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About the Author
Ageless Wisdom Institute is a Soul Service-Oriented Initiative of Cathedral of the Soul and Humanity Healing International. The Institute was created as a multilevel educational platform encompassing an Esoteric School of Ageless Wisdom and a Mystical Seminary, especially intended for Old Souls, Mature hearts, and Spiritual and Conscious seekers. https://www.agelesswisdom.us
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Humanity Healing is a Nondenominational Network committed to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Healing and Growth through Education and Spiritual Activism. Spiritual Activism is expressed by Compassion in Action.