Imagine a life where wisdom, knowledge, empathy, and originality abound. In this life, you would understand the art of living with less yet feeling a sense of abundant richness. It’s a life where fundamental principles become clear, such as the importance of being true to oneself and the ability to apply this authenticity in daily life. Picture a society filled with evolved individuals, free from major problems. This is a Galactic Life.
The Path to a Galactic Life: Embracing Authenticity and True Self
In this Galactic Life, you would have access to a deeper understanding of the universe and life. Knowledge wouldn’t just be about accumulating information but gaining profound insights that transform how you perceive and interact with the world.
It will open us up to our galactic neighbors, to the energies and the life force energies that exist within the universes that we are all a part of – and they all are here, of course, supporting us in this transition for this aspect of our awakening. I think that is going to be a big shift.
Christine McCormick Day
This is what we call a galactic life, and awakening to this life can be much simpler than you might imagine. Just follow the basic precepts we’ve outlined below:
When you understand that the spiritual is much greater than the material. When you stop buying so many things and are content with what you have, you magically realize that simplicity makes your life much lighter and more enjoyable.
Pursuit of Wisdom
You make better choices in your readings, your friendships, and all kinds of information you consume. Trivial things and silly conversations no longer interest you. Now, you only want things that can add to your knowledge and expand your mind.
Original Life
When you’re not content with just having a normal life and following most people’s steps, you seek a lifestyle and a purpose that make sense to you personally.
Social Life
Your social life has completely changed, and you refuse to attend events just to make people happy. Now, you no longer care about what others think and act according to what you’ve always wanted, being much more original and truer to your thoughts and desires.
Pleasure in Your Own Company
You have become more reclusive and enjoy being alone. In these moments, you connect with your innermost self and practice self-knowledge. This is where you find all the answers to your questions and the calm needed for your concerns.
You have come to like nature even more and feel an intimate connection with plants and animals. It’s as if, in contact with nature, you also come into contact with yourself.
Your diet has also changed, and now you eat much more fruits, vegetables, and legumes. You’ve left compulsive eating behind and are concerned with the quality of the food you consume. You have started to take care of your body and mind and understand that the fuel for your body should be natural foods.
Taking Control
You have taken the reins of your life and no longer play the victim. You’ve understood once and for all that your life is a result of your actions and choices and decided that you are the one in charge.
Importance of the Present
You have finally left the past behind and no longer dream about the future. You know that what matters is the present moment, and that’s where you focus your attention. Doing everything you can to enjoy the moment and not waste current opportunities.
Competing no longer makes any sense in your life. You respect and admire others, but you no longer spend time comparing yourself to anyone or wanting to be better than others. You’ve learned that what matters is to surpass yourself every day and thus become a better person.
Embracing this galactic life involves a profound shift in mindset and lifestyle, where the focus shifts from external validation and material accumulation to internal growth, spiritual understanding, and harmonious living with the environment. It’s a journey towards a more mindful, fulfilling, and connected existence that aligns with the greater cosmos. This awakening is about personal transformation and contributing to a more conscious and aware global community.
Keep up the good work, if only for a while, if only for the twinkling of a tiny galaxy.
Wislawa Szymborska
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About the Author
Ageless Wisdom Institute is a Soul Service-Oriented Initiative of Cathedral of the Soul and Humanity Healing International. The Institute was created as a multilevel educational platform encompassing an Esoteric School of Ageless Wisdom and a Mystical Seminary, especially intended for Old Souls, Mature hearts, and Spiritual and Conscious seekers.
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Humanity Healing is a Nondenominational Network committed to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Healing and Growth through Education and Spiritual Activism. Spiritual Activism is expressed by Compassion in Action.