Have you heard of the Hundredth Monkey Theory? It sounds esoteric or maybe a bit wacky, but it’s pretty simple.
The Tipping Point: The Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon
By Royce Morales
The Hundredth Monkey Theory is based on a true story that turned into a metaphor, expressing how everything connects on an energetic level.
It goes like this: On a deserted island, one monkey spontaneously decided to go to the river and wash his food before eating it. Suddenly, the entire monkey population on a distant neighboring island started washing their food. And all of this happened without access to texting or email!
The profound message is this: When one gets it, others do; when you shift, others do; when enough of us evolve, we all evolve.
As you may have noticed, humanity, as a species, is in dire need of evolution. Especially right about now. It may take more than one of us evolved monkeys to end systemic, fear-based consciousness, to change the belief that war and violence solve things, to know that the ego is not who we are, and that money and possessions are not the source of happiness. Ad infinitum is something that you are undoubtedly aware of on your spiritual journey.
Having worked for over four decades helping people shift their consciousness from fear to love, it’s possibly the biggest challenge we humans face. It’s our Big One, and we chose to be here to do just that.
However, the survival instinct we’ve been functioning from since hiding out in caves is still mostly in charge. We promptly react with anger and violence when fear is triggered, believing we have no other choice. We feel justified since survival is our goal, not even realizing there are always other options.
For centuries, we’ve been trying to fix the world’s problems from our current level of consciousness. Rather than putting a band-aid on a gaping wound, we need a radical shift of consciousness. We need to transform from perceiving life through our fear-based consciousness to a place of wise, higher consciousness love.
In other words, when enough of us monkeys know that war never has and never will solve anything, there will be the end of war. When enough of us decide it’s not acceptable to destroy the environment, the planet will heal and flourish again. That when enough of us don’t support the narcissistic power grabbing of tyrants, they will lose their authority.
Fear-based consciousness is our primitive nature, our survival-based awareness that drives much of our behavior. It clings to what appears to be security and safety. It needs to know what’s going to happen next and a sense of certainty in the challenges and changes life presents. It needs recognition and status, trying (futilely) to feel happiness from external places.
We arrive in bodies with fear-based consciousness firmly programmed in our hard drives. Add to that parental pressure and social conditioning, it’s no wonder we perceive the world through fear-colored glasses.
As we ‘mature,’ we learn ways to cover up our fears. We take on various tough-guy acts to appear brave or over-the-top bullies. We find it hard to even admit that we are scared or terrified someone will discover our persona. Some even believe they are alone in their fear.
Here’s the catch: Whether we know it consciously or not, we want to evolve past fear. These challenging times are presenting Big Lessons to help us to finally get beyond our primitive consciousness. We chose to be here to re-awaken to who we really are: Higher Consciousness, love-based beings.
The biggest roadblock to getting there is our resistance to this evolutionary process. We’re worried about what it means to release that rigid definition of self. We want to feel empowered but equally concerned about transforming our entire definition of existence, clueless as to what the world would look like if we all moved to that place.
Part of us knows that staying rooted in primitive programming isn’t working. We know it will never allow us to create the world we are here to create. But it looks a heck-of-a-lot easier to not be that Hundredth Monkey. Even though it really is not.
Here are some handy suggestions to help fast-forward into Hundredth Monkey-Ville:
- Notice triggers. What causes you to regress to that primitive, fear-based place? What are those fear-based thoughts insisting that you do? Do you then do things you ordinarily would never do? Know that every time a button is pushed, you can choose to look within to see that a fear was triggered. Doing that you are starting to expose that reactive part of you. Making an evolved choice to not buy into fear, choosing love instead, will spread to other “monkeys.”
- Notice mirrors. When noticing triggers, ask to see what is being reflected to you about yourself. Mirrors accurately show you whatever you are suppressing or denying about yourself and are most evident when a button is pushed. Feeling angry, hateful, negative, judgmental, and needing to be right are a few blatant symptoms of buttons. Keep in mind that the bigger the button, the more denied the mirror is. And mirrors don’t lie.
- How are you living? Are you feeling the same sense of scarcity, fear, and selfishness that drives people to oppress and harm others? Are you functioning from needing to prove something to others and get validation, attention, and agreement? It may be felt in subtle ways, not as dramatically as what gets covered in news reports, but it’s part of your consciousness. Notice it and make other choices.
- Change your actions. To get past reactiveness, create a mindful relationship with the fears that are motivating you. Yes, there are healthy fears like running away from a charging tiger. But falling prey to triggered, irrational, and often subconscious fear ends up controlling your life choices. Recognizing your true intention, the fears and programmed beliefs that are actually motivating you shifts that energy.
- Do the work. The most crucial aspect to help this planetary process of evolution is doing inner work to discover and neutralize the sources of your buttons. This will allow you to release those controlling thoughts being driven by fear-based impulses such as cruelty, conquest, and oppression. Get assistance to locate subconscious events from this and previous lives still controlling you from fear.
The ultimate goal is to see that the entire human condition exists in you; you are part of the dynamic as an evolving human who fearfully reacts to things.
Evolution starts with you consciously opening up to the awakened, deeper dimension of yourself. By deactivating those fear-based programmed parts that are no longer who you want to be, you are able to shift your motivation from fear to trust and love.
A momentum has begun. It will create a ripple of change in the world. And with enough ripples come waves.
As John Lennon reminded us: Imagine all the people living life as one.
And we are. So go ahead and be the Hundredth Monkey.
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About the Author
Royce Morales is a spiritual trailblazer who has been teaching her innovative approach to inner transformation, Perfect Life Awakening, for over four decades.
Her classes and private sessions shift subconscious, disempowering, false programmed beliefs by releasing where they originated. As a result, self-sabotaging patterns and paralyzing issues lose their impact, transforming life from triggered to empowered.
She authored three books about her teachings available on Amazon. www.RoyceMorales.com
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