Tarot cards, with their vivid imagery and profound symbolism, are more than just a tool for divination—they mirror the natural cycles of our lives. Each card reflects a stage of the human experience, inviting us to connect with the rhythms of growth, change, and renewal. By exploring these cycles, we can deepen our understanding of both the cards and ourselves.
The Natural Cycles of Tarot: A Journey Through the Cards
By Lisa Kessler
The Fool’s Journey: The Cycle of Growth

The Major Arcana, often referred to as “The Fool’s Journey,” encapsulates the archetypal stages of personal development. Starting with The Fool, the journey begins with a leap of faith and unlimited potential. As The Fool progresses through the cards, they encounter challenges (The Tower), triumphs (The Sun), and self-realization or completion of a dream (The World), illustrating the cyclical nature of growth and transformation.
The Minor Arcana: The Four Aspects of Life
The Minor Arcana is divided into four suits—Cups, Pentacles, Wands, and Swords—each corresponding to a natural element and a phase of life’s cycle.
- Cups (Water): Cups reflect emotional growth, love, relationships, and the flowering of intentions. This is a time of joy and connection.
- Pentacles (Earth): Pentacles focuses on the material world, physical health, and financial situations. This cycle focuses on grounding and reaping the rewards of past efforts.
- Wands (Fire): Wands signify the energy of beginnings, creativity, and inspiration. This is the season of beginning new projects or passions, planting seeds, and envisioning possibilities.
- Swords (Air): Swords embody all aspects of the mind, from new ideas to mental challenges and intellectual clarity. It’s a time to cut away what no longer serves and focus on gaining clear plans for the future.
The Court Cards: The Cycle of Maturity
The Court Cards—Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings—symbolize stages of life and maturity within each suit. From the curiosity of the Page to the mastery of the King, they remind us of the continual process of learning and growth within each area of our lives.
The Universal Laws in Tarot
Tarot aligns with universal laws, such as the Law of Attraction and the natural rhythm of life and its cycles of movement and transformation. The ebb and flow depicted in cards like The Wheel of Fortune and Death reflect the inevitability of changing directions and closing the door on chapters of life to enable us to step into a new cycle of growth and renewal. These cards teach acceptance and the importance of working with, rather than against, life’s natural rhythms.
Using Tarot helps us to honor the cycles of life and align with the energies of the seasons, the phases of the moon, and even personal life stages. For example:
- During the new moon, you can pull cards with the intention of new beginnings, and with the full moon, your intention might shift toward what to release.
- At the end of a project, consult your cards for insights on closure, reflection, and the inspiration of the next step forward.
Rather than viewing Tarot as a linear journey, it’s helpful to see it as a spiral. Life’s lessons often repeat, but each time we encounter them, we do so with greater wisdom. By embracing the cyclical nature of Tarot, we can approach each phase with curiosity, grace, and an open heart.
By tapping into the natural cycles of Tarot, we are reminded that life is not a straight line but a series of interwoven patterns. By understanding and working with these rhythms, we can navigate life’s changes with greater clarity and purpose. Using the cards as a guide, we can reflect on the eternal dance of beginnings, middles, and ends—a dance we all participate in.
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About the Author
Lisa Kessler is the author of the Practical Tarot deck and The Practical Tarot Method and has been a professional tarot card reader for nearly twenty years, reading for clients all over the world. She’s a passionate teacher of tarot and has taught her Practical Tarot courses in the United States and internationally. Learn more at authorlisakessler.com.
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