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Marguerite dar Boggia – Ageless Wisdom

Marguerite dar Boggia – Ageless Wisdom

Marguerite dar Boggia

Marguerite dar Boggia formerly served as Membership Secretary for ISAR, the International Society for Astrological Research. She was past Secretary and Director of ISAR and Publisher of Kosmos, the ISAR journal. She is a co-founder of UAC and its past Secretary and Director.

Ageless Wisdom – An Interview with Marguerite Dar Boggia


Marguerite dar Boggia’s goal is to serve humanity and the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet.  To that end, she offers FREE, online, three pages weekly of the Esoteric Teachings as was known by Pythagoras. These teachings prepare us for discipleship.


OMTimes: It is an honor and pleasure to have you with us; Can you tell us how you started on the Ageless Wisdom Mystical Path. Was it a specific situation?

Marguerite Dar Boggia: When my brother was going to the University of Miami, he stayed in the home of a medium. He was impressed by her, as she told him things which no one knew.

He wanted me to believe in God. So, my brother brought the Medium (Tedi) to New York City, where I resided with my mother and sister. At the time, I was 18 years of age. It was the year 1941.

Tedi had a library of books which she lent me. I was thrilled to read “Atlantis,” “Lemuria,” “The Great Pyramid,” and about the pyramid inch from which forecasts were made. I recall reading the “Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ,” also “Zanoni” by Sir Bulwer Lytton.


OMTimes: Tell us a Book that changed your mind and inspired you. Tell us why it did it!

Marguerite Dar Boggia: I can say that the novel that really opened my Soul was “The Romance of Two Worlds” by Marie Corelli.

While reading that Book, my Soul took over, and I was filled with an inexplicable JOY. I wanted to be as spiritual as the heroine. I swore that I would only be bound by the wishes of my Soul. I did just that. When family and friends disapproved of my lover, I paid no attention to them. I was obedient to my Soul. I practiced meditating daily.

I joined the Rosicrucian Order AMORC when I was 21. That was when I met my lover, Henry. I moved in with him in September 1944. I did it without the benefit of a legal marriage since his wife was living in Italy.

I never regretted quitting Brooklyn College, as living with Henry was an educational and beautiful experience. Unfortunately, he passed away on January 11, 1976. In 1972 I retired as a legal secretary. I practiced realizing that “I AM THE SOUL.” Then, for hours my Soul would be active. I would be in heaven.


OMTimes: When did you start writing about Spiritual and Mystical concepts?

Marguerite Dar Boggia: In 1975, I found a book in the library called “The Complete Astrologer” by Derek and Julia Parker. That Book started me on the road of astrology.

In 1977 I joined The International Society for Astrological Research. I became the secretary and membership chairperson of that organization. I also became the publisher of their Journal. That was when I started writing astrological articles for our Journal. Later in the Eighties, I also wrote mystical articles, and I sent them to publishers.

After my husband died, I joined the spiritual organizations, “Self-Realization” and “The Arcane School.” The Arcane School is part of the organization started by Alice A. Bailey, called Lucis Trust. The organization was called Lucis Trust. The Lucis Trust is a nonprofit service organization incorporated in the United States in 1922 by Alice Bailey and her husband Foster Bailey, to act as a fiduciary trust for the publishing of twenty-four books of esoteric philosophy published under Alice Bailey’s name and to fund and administer activities concerned with the establishment of “right human relations.”

Friends said that Mr. Benjamin Creme would be speaking in a few days. I attended his lecture in December of 1977. When he was overshadowed by Christ, my whole being was awakened and activated. Some friends saw a ring of electricity surrounding Mr. Creme.

Others saw the entire auditorium immerse in a golden light. Others say they saw him disappear. Many had seen and felt nothing!

I was determined to help his organization. So, I did some work for them, although I don’t recall what I actually did.

This was when I learned of and attended the Transmission Meditation Groups. The spiritual Hierarchy sends spiritual energy into the force centers or chakras of the meditators. The force centers act as electrical transformers, stepping down the energy. Then, the energy is sent out into the atmosphere. The Masters take that energy and use it for the benefit of humanity. It is a service that we perform. I received a healing each time. Sometimes my body would burn up for a second or two. This, I believe, is what extended my life span. I received so much energy. Mr. Creme was two years older than me.

I also learned that any problem can be solved by Christ when one places one’s hand on the hand of Christ. I received this hand from Share International. I send it through email to any and all who request it. The hand appeared in a bathroom mirror in Spain. It was wiped off and reappeared. The son said, don’t wipe it off. I want to take a picture of it. We were told that whoever places his hand on that hand will be helped. I have used the hand, and it is WONDERFUL. The Buddhists know the personal name of Christ. It is the Lord Maitreya.

In or about 1981, I heard Mr. Creme lecture. The following day, while I was meditating, I thought: “Who the heck is Benjamin Creme? If he can be overshadowed by the Christ, so can I.” After a couple of minutes, I feel love from Maitreya, which is overpowering. I thought of my sister, who is angry with me. We have been estranged for six years. I send her the love that I am experiencing. The next day I telephoned my sister.

She angrily said: “Who is this?” I told her, “it is me.” She released all her anger while I listened patiently. Then I explained to her that I always loved her and gave her examples of my love. That phone call ended her hatred towards me. She began knitting me socks.

OMTimes: There is much talk about NOT having religious education in schools. Do you think we, as a species, need to develop a way to teach our youth how to create a moral compass? If so, how do you envision that?

See Also

Marguerite Dar Boggia: I think that all children should learn that God is boundless, like Space, without a beginning, without an end, and without form.

That a spark of that divinity is in every atom, every vehicle, every Soul, every spirit. That we are a threefold being with seven bodies or vehicles. Our goal is to realize our oneness with the God within us and be fused with it. That we must practice brotherhood. It is the goal for the Aquarian Age. That all things have a positive and a negative, male and female. Both are necessary. One should not dominate the other.

Children should be taught that anger and resentment can result in ill health. We have to bless our enemy. That way, we are protected from negative thoughts. We have to act as the Christ, or the Soul would act, love each other, and have no ill ideas. That we pay for our wrong acts, if not in this life, then in our reincarnated life. A guru is nice to have, but it is not necessary. Life is Endless.


OMTimes: You seem to have the gift to bring and bridge sacred knowledge, Ageless Wisdom, into the modern world. What do you believe is the importance of the old Traditions such as Mantras, Kriyas, chants, and devotional poetry to a western world with problems distinguishing Religious from Spiritual Traditions?

Marguerite Dar Boggia: We are told to develop through study, meditation, and service. How are we helping our brothers and humanity? Our humanity is on the Path of Probation. The next goal for our humanity is to be on the Path of Discipleship. When we become a disciple, a Master may contact us and ask if we would become his chela (disciple). If we accept, we will learn from the Master what exercises to do, develop our spiritual self further, etc. He is our teacher. We would take initiation after initiation until the Fifth planetary initiation when we would attain Mastership.


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