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Here to Forever

Here to Forever

Here to Forever explores looking for love in all the wrong places. Have you ever felt like that is the story of your life?

Book Spotlight – Here to Forever

Written by Venus Castleberg


Nenus Castleberg Here to Forever
To learn more, or to purchase Here to Forever, click the book cover!

Looking for love in all the wrong places? You are in good company here.

Have the ups and downs and twists and turns of the roller coaster of relationships left you wondering why you keep bothering to get back on the ride? You are not alone.

For those who have felt like that has been the story of their life – who thought they found true love only to have it come crashing down and leave a wake of devastation in its place – you will find camaraderie within these pages.

We all have our relationship stories. Stories of love found. Stories of love lost. Stories of Stories of frustration. Here to Forever is one of those stories. With vulnerability, clarity, And light-hearted playfulness, author Venus Castleberg invites you to walk alongside her journey. Participating with its triumph and defeat, with its joy and destruction, entices you to consider the possibility that life and love can be filled with ease, peace, and fulfillment.

Is this yet another book about finding “the one”?  Rest easy. You won’t find fairytales here.

To learn more, or to purchase the book on Amazon, CLICK HERE!


What Will You Find In Here to Forever?

Venus Castleberg goes beyond tempting and teasing with her story and delivers practical tools and processes that, when applied, will allow you to create something greater too. From believing the lie that she was flawed, bad, broken, and in need of being fixed, to liking herself and inviting fun and satisfying relationships into her life.

If you have been looking for the promise of forever with no idea how to find it, you can take solace in Venus’ own experience. As the Chinese proverb says, “The journey of a thousand miles starts beneath one’s feet.” To get where you would like to go from where you may feel like 1,000 miles, you need nothing to begin this journey other than saying YES! Are you ready for something greater than you can imagine? It all starts here… with you.

Transforming the belief that she was somehow wrong and broken into the knowledge that she is complete, whole, and lacks nothing, Venus invites others to discover the same.

Her message is simple: “You are not, nor have you ever been, broken.”

To learn more, or to purchase the book on Amazon, CLICK HERE!


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About the Author

Venus CastlebergAfter twenty years of seeking and exploring many modalities, Venus Castleberg acquired skills and expertise across homeopathy, hypnotherapy, Reiki, Shamanism, tarot, nutrition, yoga, and intuitive bodywork. She is a Certified Facilitator with Access Consciousness®, Access Bars®, Being You Changing the World® and Joy of Business®, as well as a practitioner of Symphony of Possibilities™.

See Also

As a coach and business mentor, Venus has successfully assisted clients in creating greater possibilities for their lives, their businesses, and the world.

Using pragmatic tools, Venus engages through classes, private sessions, and bodywork, empowering clients to have and be more of themselves as they create the life they desire.


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