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9 Signs that You Have Soul Fatigue

9 Signs that You Have Soul Fatigue

Soul Fatigue

The world is exceptionally stressful these days.  If you are seeing and perceiving most of these signs, you may be suffering from Soul Fatigue.

What is Soul Fatigue?



Life seems to have become a complicated process. We are loaded with challenges and meanderings on our daily paths. Sometimes we feel drained physically, but sometimes the tiredness is coming from our own soul. We may try to change our routine, but exhaustion and weariness don’t go away. Learn the most common signs of Soul Fatigue.


The soul that walks in love neither tires others nor grows tired. ~ John of the Cross


Soul Fatigue: Listen to the Signs


A tired soul is a confused soul. If that’s the case for you, you’ve probably already realized that your emotions can be compared to a real roller coaster. You may be feeling mood swings without knowing why. You may not understand what may have triggered this in you.

Anger, hate, resentment. How is it possible to feel good when a real battle seems to be taking place inside you?



When your friends ask you how you are doing, the answer seems very difficult to express. It’s just that when you try to analyze your state as a whole, you just can’t. All feelings, sensations become confusing and highly complex, and therefore you cannot describe or explain. As a result, you may feel very disorganized.



The tired feeling doesn’t leave you, no matter how much you try to rest. That’s why that enthusiasm you had to walk around, meet people, have fun disappeared.

Everything you used to like to do, it doesn’t matter anymore.

So your needs and your problems, your goals, are set aside. You start doing things for other people and altogether cancel yourself out.

The lack of interest is harmful to your health and increases stress, as it is necessary to fulfill the daily duties, even without any desire, or have the required energy to do so.




Your friends and family may recall facts from the past, happy times when you were together. They tell stories in which you appear delighted and satisfied with everything around you. But, you just don’t recognize yourself anymore. You don’t identify yourself that way anymore. It seems that person from the past has ceased to exist and has given way to another, completely different.



It’s no use adjusting the clock, going to bed earlier, and sleeping longer. Upon waking up, the feeling is that no effort was enough.

You feel tired, unwilling to do anything. It’s as if your energies have been drained, and you spend the whole day fighting this tiredness to get the day-to-day tasks done.



You didn’t do anything different than usual, but you feel like you ran a marathon. Your whole-body aches: your muscles are tense, you feel pain in your stomach, head, dizziness, and even your vision is blurry.



When reality seems challenging to deal with, you try to think of a life different from the one you have. He remembers the past and feels safe, but just thinking about the future makes fear invade his soul.

If you are daydreaming, running away from the challenges of your current life, pay attention: your soul is asking for help.

I try to maintain a healthy dose of daydreaming to remain sane. ~ Florence Welch



You may be around a lot of people, but you still feel completely alone. Unfortunately, because you have decided to appear to others that you are not experiencing any problems, your friends and family do not realize that you need help.

And so, the tendency is for you to isolate yourself more and more, as you have the impression that no one can understand what is happening and therefore they are not able to help you.

That’s why you prefer to isolate yourself more and more. You may start talking as little as possible, go to work and then come home. You may tend to deactivate social media and close yourself off in a world that seems to have space just for you. Resist this. Isolation is not a solution.

When we truly realize that we are all alone is when we need others the most. ~ Ronald Anthony Cross


Instead of thinking about the good things that have happened in your life or the present, you may prefer to focus on everything that went wrong.

See Also

That caring person who loved to live and felt many moments of happiness and joy gives way to another, sad and full of resentment.

You may only remember unpleasant moments and charge your soul with negative thoughts.

Sadness finds the door open and takes care of everything. But, beware, this may be a solid symptom of depression.


It Is Not Alright

Something is not right, and you know it. But instead of looking for the causes of the problem that’s hurting you, and trying to solve them, you may decide to play a character for the people around you.

In any case, you try to hide your pain from others and pretend that everything is fine. This is not a wise choice.

The energy you put into keeping up appearances is enormous, and over time it wears off. And then everyone realizes that it’s not okay. Think about that!


Disclaimer: If you are seeing and perceiving most of these signs, you may want to consult a medical practitioner and clear up if these symptoms reflect a physical condition or clinical depression. Only a medical practitioner can diagnose and treat these conditions.


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About the Author

Cathedral of the Soul intends to undertake the challenge of creating a multidimensional healing space that is dedicated to those who seek to enrich, enlighten, and heal themselves while serving and assisting in the healing of others. Cathedral of the Soul is one of the many spiritual outreaches of Humanity Healing International, a registered 501C3 nonprofit with Church status. and Cathedral of the Soul Facebook

Cathedral of the Soul is developing an Animal Ministry program. If you want to volunteer and help animals, join the Facebook groups @circleofprayersforanimals


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