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Twin Flames – The Intensity of the First Meeting

Twin Flames – The Intensity of the First Meeting

Twin Flames

The first encounter of the Twin Flame can cause great euphoria, and fireworks go off in your mind, soul, and body. This event marks a life change, and you will remember it for a lifetime.

Meeting Your Twin Flame



Soul mates can come and go, but there is only one mirror for your soul, which we call a twin flame. Therefore, there is no guarantee that you will cross paths with your flame in this lifetime.

For this to occur, both need to be in the right state of mind simultaneously and sufficiently evolved to be ready for this journey. So, you see, the trick is meant to be ready to recognize and ready to vibrate with a high vibration relationship.

But despite it is not easy, the flames come together. Moreover, it is happening at an accelerated pace in this age of enlightenment. So, if you’re ready, chances are you’ll meet your twin flame and experience the full intensity of the first date.


Synchronicity Signs at the First Twin Flame Meeting

As a rare spiritual phenomenon, the encounter of twin souls will be announced by your soul (Higher Self).

Before you meet, you will receive some signs from the universe. They will come to you through synchronicity. These signs can come in many forms, and most of them are so subtle that you will hardly detect them by chance. The main signs are the symbols of romance, the call to a higher purpose, and significant numbers.

Romance symbols encompass any form of loving presence around you. For example, you may notice more couple activities that you would like to do or that all of your friends are in a relationship. It could also be a sign if your Facebook feed has a flood of relationship status updates and wedding photos.

The call to a purpose accompanies these signals and usually comes from within.

However, you may also receive a call to action in which some person or situation will invite you to seek meaning in your life. This can come through a near-death experience, a need for religious (spiritual) faith, or someone who has found meaning and inspired you to pursue your own. As a rule of Thumb, it comes from an inner knowing.



Numerical Synchronicity

Twin flame numbers are often easy to identify. Numbers are everywhere, and synchronicity need only draw your attention to them. Rather than looking for specific numbers, allow them to appear in front of you throughout the day. Then you can look up the meaning of the numbers that come up. However, if you see the numbers 11, 11:11, and 1001, the message is that you are about to find your twin flame.


The First Twin Flame Meeting

The day you meet your partner, the yin in your yang, and the mirror of your soul, you will quickly go off the rails.

The entire universe conspired to bring you together for the first time, and this is no easy task. Such encounters involve the work of many different consciousnesses, in various levels and even in other dimensions. We can easily say it involves an angelic conspiracy of sorts.


The Weaving Synchronicity

It takes a well-weaved network of synchronicity to get you out of your comfort zone and to the right place at the right time. Usually, this means something has gone out of your control, or something is out of the box.

Such things as the store you usually go to have closed, and you are forced to go to another one. Your car breaks down, and you need to go to the mechanic. A friend invites you to go somewhere new. That is, you are pulled out of your comfort zone and prepared for the event of your life.

Just as this happened to you, so did your twin flame. You will find that somehow none of you planned to be at this event that day.

In many cases, neither partner can remember why they were there, to begin with. Many speak of an invisible force pulling them, though they didn’t notice it at the time.



The Sparks at the First Meeting

You spot a person and try to dodge, as making eye contact with a stranger can be bad, but you can’t. There’s something that catches your eye, and it seems essential to get closer. This isn’t just an attraction. It’s much more than that. It is something we have problems even defying it.

In fact, it’s an acknowledgment, as if you’ve just seen the person, you’ve been looking for all your life.

At this moment, every part of your body, soul, and mind explodes with intense energy. The heart beats hard, and an electric current run through your entire body. The goosebumps come, and you practically vibrate with that energy.

After the euphoria of the first look, you move closer, or your flame does. Then, all around you disappear as you entirely focus on your destiny: the mirror of your soul. It feels like you’ve known him forever, and the sound of his voice wakes something up inside you.

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healthy relationships OMTimes

You desire to tell your flame everything, your hopes, dreams, ambitions, goals, secrets, and fears. And you also want to know everything about him, down to the smallest detail. But your first meeting ends as quickly as it starts.

The next day, you wake up with a feeling that something is missing and a conviction that you’ve just discovered what you need for your life, exactly.


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