Grounding and the Energy of the Feet

Some aspects of our life may indicate that the energy circulating through the feet is not doing well or is not balanced as it should be.
The Physics of Grounding and the Energy of the Feet
Our feet, the passion for some, disgust for others. The feet are responsible for taking us where we want, for being able to walk on this incredible journey that we call life.
But they are much more than a means to move! They are an important energy center.
They can carry energies and are portals of exchange with the universe. You may not believe it, but it is actually the truth.
Our Feet are Our Roots
Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.
~ Theodore Roosevelt
In reflexology, it is said that the feet carry information about the entire body. They also carry our incarnational coordinates.
This type of alternative therapy is based on the belief that each organ or part of the body is represented or reflected in the soles of the hands and feet. Putting pressure on these places causes physical changes in the rest of the body. It works more or less the same way Iridology works.
“When the nerves in the eyes and feet are properly understood, there will be less need for surgical interventions.”
~ Sir William Osler
The practitioners of this technique stimulate the points located on the feet, promote the cure of diseases, and relieve unpleasant symptoms that they bring us. You can treat organic, emotional, and various body disorders, thus generating great body balance in the simplest possible way.
The feet are our roots. Imagine your body like a tree.
If the sap is alive in us, it goes down to the roots and up to the highest branches. Making this analogy with life in matter, we can say that it is precisely through our rootedness of existence that we can walk towards the light.
And our feet are our roots. Bad energies flow through them, and universal vital energy also enters.
The foot cleansing ceremonies that exist in some religions are practices for many reasons.
Its purpose is to put into practice the humble service to all our brothers, following the example of Jesus to all his disciples. Christ’s love, embracing all of humanity, makes all people brothers and sisters by the strength of his example. The “mandatum” (foot wash) left by him invites us to transcend the physical act of washing the feet of the other, to experience the whole meaning of this gesture: to serve, with love, our neighbor.
A Portal for the Spiritual World and Achievements
Our chakras, or energy centers, are spread throughout the body and located on the feet.
We would say that, in the case of the feet, these energy points are essential. We know that bare feet on the earth can energize us, and there is much mentalization used in meditation that uses our feet to renew energies. This is due to the chakras we have on our feet.
These chakras are like the “first floor” of the root chakra. It promotes support so that you can get up and live your truth, and on them, we have the concentration of earthly energies responsible for the vibrational balance of the body as a whole.
Notice that the first sign of this fatigue appears on our feet when we are exhausted. The feet are literally the part of the body that supports us.
Therefore, they are closely linked to our material achievements.
It is important to activate this chakra to manifest your own physical reality. Otherwise, we can find a challenging physical reality. The foot chakra allows ideas to leave the mental field and become a reality, like a magnetic attraction field giving physical shape to your thoughts.
The thought-forms we emit may gravitate towards our feet and thighs, so taking care of the energy related to these limbs is essential. The base chakra is critical to the anchoring and grounding of our ideas and projects. Nothing without a good base can succeed.
Whenever the cloud of ego threatens to engulf me, I remind myself of my roots.
It helps keeping my feet on the ground.
~ Faraaz Kazi
4 Ways to Identify if the Foot Chakras are Blocked
Some aspects of our life indicate that the energy circulating through the feet is not doing well or is not balanced as it should be.
If you see a tendency in your path to not complete what you start, this is an excellent indication that the chakras located in the feet are blocked.
Another evidence is the difficulty in materializing ideas. It rains ideas, solutions, inventions, projects, but you can’t put anything of what you elaborate mentally into practice in your head. Nothing materializes, or when it materializes, it does not go forward. Pay attention to this, as you can work with the energy of your feet to unlock your life.
If you “get out of the air” easily during meditation or other spiritual pursuits, your foot chakras are certainly not balanced. This lack of concentration or blackouts that some people have as if they were transported to another dimension is a sign of energy imbalance that can be resolved by treating the feet.
The alarm goes off, but your body doesn’t wake up. You would give the world to stay asleep, and it seems that, even after a long night of sleep, you woke up even more tired than when you went to sleep. It is as if you are awake, but your spirit, your conscience, is not there. It may be the fault of neglected energy in the feet.
If you have a chronic illness that does not respond to treatments and does not abandon you, taking care of the energy in your feet can bring about the long-awaited cure.
With the “terrifying” energies blocked, nothing else flows, and the imbalance that this situation causes in the body is great and can affect our health.
How to Care for the Energy of the Feet
There are many techniques to promote the balance of the foot chakra.
The first thing you can do is to always walk barefoot at home. As soon as you arrive from the street, remove your shoes and step on the floor. If you have a garden, someplace with soil, put your bare feet in contact with the earth for at least ten minutes.
This will help a lot! But just the fact of acquiring the habit of walking barefoot is enough to activate the energy that circulates through the feet and promote the exchange with the earth, receiving vital energy from it. The more you do this, the more open and activated your chakra will become.
Another effective technique is to meditate and imagine your feet bathed in light. Just imagine that a bright light surrounds your feet, starting as a tiny point of light and evolving to such an extent that it illuminates the entire environment.
This light can be white, violet – to transmute what is negative – or green, in cases where diseases are involved. Wrap your feet in this light energy and allow them to relax within that light.
Water can also promote outstanding balance for that part of our body.
A bowl of water with coarse salt is enough to energize your feet and your chakras. Salt also helps a lot of dissolving energetic blocks.
This is a good practice in case you live far from the beach. But if you have access to the sea, even better. Walking on the sand with your feet immersed in the seawater is simply incredible in terms of energetic dynamics, and it is no wonder that so many people love to do this without even knowing why they feel so good when they do it.
The energy exchange that exists with nature through the water of the sea is incredible.
Still using water, we can also take advantage of the healing and spiritual energy of plants. Roses are great for this job, so dipping your feet in a container with rose petals will energize your entire body and unlock your foot chakras. This practice also activates harmonious and loving results to our general energetic system.
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Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.
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Humanity Healing is a Nondenominational Network committed to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Healing and Growth through Education and Spiritual Activism. Spiritual Activism is expressed by Compassion in Action.