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2022 Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse Astrology Forecast

2022 Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse Astrology Forecast

2022 Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse

2022 Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse – April 30, 2022

1:27 PM PDT / 4:27 PM EDT / 8:27 PM GMT

10 Taurus 28

2022 Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse



To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the 2022 Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse Astrology Forecast, click the player below.


Fog is lifting. Clouds are parting. Anesthesia is wearing off. Confusion is dissolving into clarity. Finally, the 2022 Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse redirects attention to the physical and hits the reset button, but good.

It’s the next phase in moving from the theoretical to the tangible. The first eclipse of the year, and a partial one at that, this one continues themes of money, resources, and investments that surfaced at last November’s Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, which launched this cycle.

The Gemini/Sagittarius eclipses of the past two years demonstrated the real-world impact of words by revisiting and rewriting thought patterns, beliefs, and communication channels. So now we abandon the theoretical and move to reexamining and reevaluating the material world itself, which is heavy on our cash and possessions.

This eclipse family was last with us from late 2003-to 2005. All of this year’s eclipses are on this axis, and they will continue through October 2023.

The 2022 Taurus New Moon is intense to an extreme. First, because of its nature as an eclipse, dimming the light partially, triggering primal, animalistic reactions to that eerie spectacle, and blocking situations out of our lives in the process. Once the light comes back on fully, situations are never the same. They’ve been reset like a computer after installing a new operating system (and all the fine print changes that entail). In some cases, they’ve been upgraded. But they are nowise business as usual.

Know, as we go into this, that choices lead to eliminations. Seeds planted and nurtured now, by definition, rule out other possibilities, with the effect that some situations in your life are changing permanently.



The second reason for intensity: The energy in the sky is so concentrated, with all the planets huddled on one side within about 120 degrees of each other. Most of the planetary population is in Taurus and Pisces, linking the otherworldly to the utterly earthly. Whatever launches now will have terrific practicality and focus, with a dose of something bigger.

Taurus is determinedly fixed, bullheadedly, so, you might say. It exists in the here and now and experiences life through the senses. It wants to see, taste, smell, touch, and hold (even, better, take to the bank). It does not like to hurry, be told what to do, or let go.

Except it’s behaving more gently now. It’s being softened by the Pisces pile-up that has characterized the month, blending sociability and values (Venus), actions (Mars), optimism and inclination for more (Jupiter), and unhooking from the constraints of physical reality (faith, escapism, deceit, delusion, compassion and all the other flavors of transcendence coming off Neptune).

The softening and potential for inspiration and outright magic-making are extreme. The 2022 Taurus New Moon’s ruler is in this mix, exactly conjunct Jupiter, and both barely past conjunctions with boundless Neptune. Venus and Jupiter are influences of indulgence, encouraging immersion without restraint. They are supersizing awareness of others (including empathy and compassion), blurring boundaries, and testing the shields of even the most conscious empaths.

Venus and Jupiter are gunning for an intense and targeted experience, courtesy of a sextile to Pluto as much as they want it all. Unconscious and cellular wants are stirring, some of which wander into the realm of compulsion, obsession, and the less than socially acceptable. Recognizing deep urges now lays the groundwork for big opportunities when Jupiter’s sextile to Pluto, the only other major aspect between outer planets this year (besides the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction), becomes exact on May 3.

The formula promises wonders for creativity and artistic projects and improves the physical experience of life. Heaven-sent money? Angelic inspiration? They could happen. Thanks to the once-every-150-year pairing of Jupiter and Neptune, fairy tale machinations are indeed possible, more so than at any other point in our lifetimes. So summon your inner Taurus and claim some for yourself. Dream ridiculously big. Make like Ted Lasso and put BELIEVE signs all over your house and office. Wish upon a star. Wish upon the entire sky.



Yet another reason for the 2022 Taurus New Moon’s intensity is that both cosmic change agents are at work, ensuring that new seeds and phases don’t get stuck in Taurean languidness but get off the ground.

Echoing the volatility and unpredictability of an eclipse, quick-change artist Uranus is conjunct the 2022 Taurus New Moon. As a result, Uranus is zapping our hold on physical objects and situations and injecting unexpected, energizing, and ultimately freeing forces.

It’s also ushering in the next phase of last year’s storyline. Think back to last year’s ongoing restructuring and system testing. Where did that stand by December? The time is here to move ahead on it. You can harness the process and steer situations in your life, but a lot will happen without your conscious intervention.

The 2022 Taurus New Moon is at the degree Uranus occupied at its final exact square from Saturn last December. The square sensitized that degree as if a trigger had been cocked. The eclipse releases the trigger, setting in motion huge developments that have been biding their time.

Profound messages are pouring in that assist with the process. We utter some of them; some come to us from outside sources and reshape our thinking. Some are revelations of secrets and hidden machinations that lend this solar eclipse the air of a lunar.

The cause is Mercury, ruler of communication, in the easy flow of a trine to Pluto, lord of the underworld and agent of unavoidable change. The trine is out of sign – Mercury is just inside the door to airy Gemini, with Pluto at the outer edge of earthy Capricorn – but the bodies are close all the same. Mercury is effectively at a standstill less than a degree and only days away from his next retrograde, which runs from May 10 – to June 3.

His uncharacteristic stillness creates the sensation of time slowing, stopping even, as information surfaces from deeper and deeper reserves, as if a drill is boring down into foundations. Your thinking and communication are evolving. The timing supports candor with yourself and others. The trine emboldens speaking up in ways and about topics you’ve skirted.

See Also
2021 Cancer New Moon



Think of communication as working on the garden – identifying the disease, weeding threats, and making space for the incredible growth coming off the 2022 Taurus New Moon.

Learn more about this eclipse cycle in my talk Living In The Material World: The Taurus/Scorpio Eclipses of 2021-2023. You’ll understand the themes of the eclipses and how they affect each sign, plus a look at their impact on charts of selected countries and public figures.


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About the Author

Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer with more than 30 years of experience. She has been translating astrology for the mainstream since high school and has a knack for combining humor and pop culture with her guidance. Visit to sign up for her mailing list, listen to her forecasts, and book a session for her. Find her on Facebook at Empowerment Unlimited and the Astro-Insight Lounge, and on YouTube at the Professional Aquarian Channel.  Listen to her radio show Celestial Compass on OM Times Radio


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