4 Concerns Men Have About Becoming More Active

About a hundred good reasons exist to begin an exercise program for health. Most men know this. Still, many have reservations about starting an exercise program or may even be concerned about what will happen to them as they become more active. This article addresses four of the most common reasons men are concerned about becoming more physically active. Maybe they’re even some of your problems. Knowing these concerns can help you better address them and find activities that fit your life.
Concerns All Men Go Through When Becoming More Active
by Brooke Chaplan
1. Not Enough Time
If you’re like many men, the thought of spending several hours a week at the gym is overwhelming. You hardly have time to address work and family obligations. It may be challenging to imagine yourself making even more time for exercising. The good news is that physical activity can happen anywhere. You don’t need a gym. You were talking about a walk around the block during a 15-minute work break, riding your bike to work, or going to the grocery store count as just a few ways to get more physical activity. You can even include family on your walks if you are concerned about more time away from them.
2. Not Sure of Their Interest Levels
You may not exercise because you’re just not interested in exercise. You wouldn’t be alone in this. Many people don’t enjoy physical activity. The key to getting the most out of your physical activities is to find ones you like. For example, you may not enjoy the gym but love hiking or mountain biking. These are also perfectly good activities to get your heart going. More importantly, you like them, so you’ll likely do them.
3. Concerns About Their Sex Drive
Some men – you may be among them – are concerned about how physical activity may affect their sex drives. According to Shape.com, exercise can have a positive effect on libido. The more you exercise, the higher your libido. If anything, exercise should improve your sex drive. Further, there is now some evidence that exercise can even improve conditions like erectile dysfunction. However, if you have concerns about ED, then it is still recommended that you talk to your doctor about it.
4. Other Health Issues
Issues like asthma, heart disease, and cancer may make men feel reluctant to exercise. They’re unsure if it’s safe to do so under such conditions. Overall, evidence suggests that those with chronic issues will benefit from exercise. That said, starting an exercise program with your doctor’s go-ahead is best if you’re concerned about how it might affect certain conditions in your life.
Adding exercise and physical activity to your life isn’t difficult. Activities as simple as taking the stairs can get you moving. It’s also okay if you don’t like the gym very much. Riding your bike to work gets your heart pumping and does your body good. Finally, you may feel more motivated to exercise once you understand the many ways it benefits you, including helping you recover from serious illness and increasing your libido.
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About the Author
Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at facebook.com/brooke.chaplan or Twitter @BrookeChaplan
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