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Manifest Your Mate

Manifest Your Mate

By Jill Crosby

How do you meet your soul mate, twin flame, Divine complement…. LOVE OF YOUR LIFE? It can be a daunting challenge. Most singles on a conscious path are relatively happy and content with their lives; however, they would usually prefer to be in a loving, spiritual partnership with a person that enhances their life and gives them the opportunity to grow and thrive in a deep, spiritual love, thus making life even more enjoyable!

Incorporating the following tips and techniques will help you to manifest your beloved in no time!

Get Love: When you love yourself unconditionally, you create and magnetize loving energy. Remembering that you are Divine Energy, makes loving yourself unconditionally easier. We all came from the same Divine Energy and everything is made of this energy, including you! Quantum Physics teaches that nothing is fixed, there are no limitations and everything is vibrating Energy. In an interview discussing his book, How to Know God, Deepak Chopra said, “In this book I explain God as infinite intelligence, the source of all information: energy, matter, and of course, also space and time, the structure and the fabric of the universe. Then I show how through biological responses humans are capable of experiencing first, bits and pieces of this infinite intelligence and, ultimately, the infinite unbounded intelligence, directly.” You are “God” having a human experience, so forgive yourself for making any mistakes, learn the lessons from “being human” and move on! When you fully immerse yourself in Divine, unconditional love of self you will feel exuberant, joyful and deeply peaceful.

To help you get to an unconditionally loving place, treat yourself to a brief meditation of self love every morning and every night. Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, get centered and relaxed. Once you are in a meditative state, feel your connection with Divine Energy and know that you are Divine. Feel your strong love for Divine (God) deep in your soul. Feel and KNOW that you are this Divine Energy. Feel grateful, happy and in love with yourself. Do this every day for at least 5 minutes when you first wake in the morning and every night before bed. Appreciate and love yourself throughout the day. Take a few breaths and think “I love me! I AM DIVINE ENERGY AND LOVE!” and feel the total acceptance and love for yourself.

When you remember and embrace your Divinity, you will be grounded in self love and wholeness, not looking to others to “complete” or validate you. You are whole, complete and in love with yourself, therefore, fully present when interacting with others.

Get Real: It’s time to throw Barbie and Ken in the trash and GET REAL! When you are describing your ideal mate, shift your focus and energy to things that really matter. If you are a woman, and you prefer a taller partner, be open to meeting someone shorter (there are a lot of incredible not-so-tall-men out there!). If you are man and you want a perfectly slender/thin woman, instead, imagine your mate active, energetic and fit. Let the specific body type go. This applies to same-sex relationships too. Chemistry is a funny thing and comes in all shapes and sizes. If you prefer younger or older, know that age is extremely relative. Be open to dating outside your race and even the same gender. There are many things that are more important to a loving relationship than age, race, gender, height or weight, like children, spirituality and lifestyle.

Get Clear: Once you have developed a healthy, loving relationship with yourself, the next step is to get clear about the type of person you would like to draw into your life. In an interview with Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, he says, “You definitely have to decide what you want. If I call up a travel agent and say, “I’d like to go on vacation,” they’re going to say next, “Where do you want to go?” I could say “Some place warm,” but eventually they’re going to force me to decide. Until I decide, they can’t help me get there. Neither can the reticular activating system in your brain, what I call your Inner GPS.”

A great exercise on getting clear starts with listing all of the qualities you would like to experience in your ideal partner. Write everything that comes to mind, such as integrity, honesty, fun, active, healthy, intelligent, great chemistry, wants kids, financially stable, loves to travel… Once you have your list, circle the items that are “must haves.” In other words, if your ideal partner does not have these qualities, it would be a deal breaker. Consider everything you have not circled a “preference.” For example, a “must have” might be “he must be a non-smoker” and a preference might be, “I prefer her to be attractive.” Remember, you are meeting a “soul” in a human body. The body is temporary and the real connection is with the soul, so let things like body type, height, weight and race be preferences (if at all); they are really not that important. Lifestyle, activity level, spirituality and a decent base of common interests are more important.

Once you have your must haves and preferences, get your creative juices flowing and write a story describing your ideal day with your ideal mate. Make it multi-sensory and live it up! Use present tense, as if he/she is already in your life. Make sure to include how you FEEL when you are with your partner. For example: “I wake up in the morning and feel the tropical breeze on my face, smell the gardenias in the air and hear the peaceful sound of the ocean waves off our balcony. I roll over and smile at my husband. His eyes light up as he hugs me and tells me how much he loves me. He is the most loving, intelligent, kind, funny, friendly, environmentally conscious, spiritual man I have ever met. My heart swells with joy and gratitude, feeling so content and so in love! After our sumptuous breakfast, morning meditation and yoga we go for a swim in the ocean with the dolphins that frequent the cove where we live…etc…” Go through your whole day like this and you will not only be manifesting your ideal mate, you will be creating your ideal life!

Get Grateful: : Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret, writes: “With all that I have read and all that I have experienced in my own life using The Secret, the power of gratitude stands above everything else. If you do only one thing with the knowledge of The Secret, use gratitude until it becomes your way of life.”

Now energize your story with the emotions of gratitude! Read your story out loud and imagine he/she is ALREADY in your life and FEEL joy and gratitude for the beautiful life you have created together! Now, really expand those feelings and let your heart fill with love. After doing this, let it go and whenever you think about it, imagine the wonderful life you have together and know that it’s done. Feel grateful every time you think about it. Any feelings of doubt or skepticism will slow down the process or even prevent it, so be confident and know it’s done.

See Also
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Get Busy: The final step in manifesting your mate is to TAKE ACTION! Jack Canfield states, “You can’t just wish for a Cadillac while sitting in your living room and have one show up in your driveway… So what you have to do is take action–with faith that it’s going to come true.” The best way to take action is to put yourself in situations where you can meet other eligible singles. Join activity groups, take classes and do the things you enjoy. Be open to meeting/dating a variety of people “looks-wise;” remember, chemistry is a funny thing! Joining an online spiritual dating site like will provide you with a targeted “pool” of conscious singles. Use your intuition to let Divine Energy guide you, be pro-active and initiate contact! Trust that the Divine love you feel for yourself will be reciprocated by the right person. Just relax, be yourself, have fun and enjoy the process. Continue to feel grateful in advance and watch the sparks fly! Here’s to you and may you manifest your mate easily and joyfully!

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