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Soul Hunger: How Do You Feed Your Soul?

Soul Hunger: How Do You Feed Your Soul?

Soul Hunger

When your body hungers, you feed it. When your Soul hungers, it also needs to be fed, but how do you feed your Soul?

Soul Hunger – 9 Things You Need to Know to Feed Light Into Your Soul



There is a Cherokee legend about an elderly brave who tells his grandson about life.

“Son,” he says, “There is a battle of two wolves within us. One is evil. He is angry, envious, jealous, sorrowful, greedy, arrogant, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”

He continued, “The other wolf is good. He is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, truth, compassion, and faith.”

“The same fight is going on inside you and every other person, too,” explained the wise Cherokee elder.

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The grandfather replied, “The one you feed.”

Food is of vital importance to our organisms. There is no doubt that a balanced diet, based on healthy nutrients, has a considerable impact on our body’s health. The same is true of our Souls.

When we talk about feeding the Soul, we need to think in the long term and question what is really good, not only for our body but also for the spirit, which means, in many cases, refusing immediate pleasures. The better the quality of the “food,” the healthier your Soul will be, and the more pleasant your journey of personal evolution will be.

If it is true that the body is fed through the mouth, where does the Soul feed itself? Christian wisdom talks about this. For example, in Matthew 6:22,23, the Bible states that “the eyes are the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness.” This passage normally talks about the importance of how we see life, the world, and the other, as well as the need to cover our eyes with love. But spiritually speaking, one of the ways to feed the Soul is through our eyes.



Soul Hunger Solution #1 – Beauty is a nourishing element for our psyche and our Soul.

“Beauty is the illumination of your soul.” – John O’Donohue

What we witness, what we read, and what we see can bring light or darkness to our Souls. The Dalai Lama has talked about “ingesting” passive evil through violent movies and video games because they damage the aura of compassion around us and desensitize our senses to violence. Moreover, they invoke indifference and disregard for the world around us.

Aside from Beauty perceived through our eyes, there are other channels through which we can feed the Soul. In addition to vision, the other senses (hearing, smell, touch, and taste) can also take inspiration, the Soul’s food.

Through our journey of personal evolution, we have the opportunity to share with many people experiences on how to feed the Soul. Although the focus is always on Good, Beauty, Love, Joy, and Light, what works for one does not always work for the other.


However, there are some practices that connect different lightworkers tribes around the world. So, what do people who seek to feed their Souls healthily and consciously have in common?

Happy Soul and beauty are things that go together. A happy soul is one that is in contact with what is beautiful and recognizes beauty in different people, places, and situations. So bring beauty into your life and see your Soul quenched.


Soul Hunger Solution #2 – Harmony with Nature and All its sentient Beings

Harmony is one phase of the law whose spiritual expression is love. – James Allen

 A Healthy soul is a soul in harmony with Nature, which is much more important than we imagined. It is through Nature that many manage to find the necessary serenity to listen to their intuition. So, at least once a week, get lost in Nature and make your Soul happy.


Soul Hunger Solution #3 – Practice Silence

“Silence is a source of Great Strength.” ? Lao Tzu

To feed your Soul is imperative to learn how to silence your mind. Putting the world on hold and not being run over by your thoughts is difficult, but it can be trained. Many people manage to silence their minds through meditation, while others just need a landscape to contemplate. No matter what method you choose, what feeds the Soul is the ability to listen to your breath and be deeply connected with your divine self.



Soul Hunger Solution #4 – Music Appreciation

“Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.” — Kahlil Gibran

Music and reading are sources of inspiration, so you must choose songs and books that are healthy food for your Soul. That is, prefer what builds values that meet your purpose and awaken pleasant feelings. We can’t stress enough the need to start feeding children’s souls with beauty, inspiration, and compassion.


Soul Hunger Solution #5 – Service to Others

“Rule with the heart of a servant. Serve with the heart of a king.” ? Bill Johnson

It is a human soul’s dharmic path to love and assist sentient beings on their own path of self-realization. Only through the exercise of this soul tendency can we magnify the lessons in compassion we need for our future Cosmic experiences. Whether through volunteering or specific actions, serving, helping, and supporting others are manifestations of kindness. Be genuine when helping someone, and don’t advertise it.


Soul Hunger Solution #6 – Practice Yoga

“Yoga is a light, which, once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter your flame.” — B.K.S. Iyengar

Many people see yoga as excellent food for the Soul, as it facilitates the connection between body and spirit. In addition to strengthening muscles and increasing flexibility, some see yoga as a way of meeting their divine self.


Soul Hunger Solution #7 – Devotional Prayers

“The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.” ? Soren Kierkegaard

Regardless of belief, prayer, in a broader sense, is an opportunity to dialogue with the Divine. Therefore, regardless of using Rosaries, prayer beads, being silent, or speaking out loud, when one is praying, it is important that you open your heart and leave space for the Divine to manifest itself in you.


See Also
Heaven Hologram

Soul Hunger Solution #8 – Caring for Animal Companions

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.” – Immanuel Kant

Having the opportunity to care for an animal is a blessing, but it’s not always possible. Living with animals feeds the Soul and teaches profound love, healing, and gratitude lessons.



Soul Hunger Solution #9 – Gratitude for Being Alive

Gratitude is a deep soul-learning experience that brings us unlimited power, appreciation, and Joy. It is part of the experience of Generosity of Spirit; both attitudes feed our souls deeply.

Gratitude also teaches us to maximize our experiences and to use them joyfully all the time we have available in this lifetime. However, we do know that our time on the Earth plane is limited. Therefore, it is necessary to establish priorities and commit to what matters. Between feeding your Soul or starving it to death, the choice is yours.

There are unlimited ways to feed our souls; the list does not resume with these nine listed activities. However, by connecting with the deep truth that comes from our heart, we are able to discover the most suitable “foods” for our Souls.

However, it is worth remembering that in feeding the Soul, we must always start with the simplest: eat, breathe, exercise, sleep, and be our authentic selves.


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About the Author

Cathedral of the Soul intends to undertake the challenge of creating a multidimensional healing space that is dedicated to those who seek to enrich, enlighten, and heal themselves while serving and assisting in the healing of others. Cathedral of the Soul is one of the many spiritual outreaches of Humanity Healing International, a registered 501C3 nonprofit with Church status.

Cathedral of the Soul is developing an Animal Ministry program. If you want to volunteer and help animals, join the Facebook groups @circleofprayersforanimals

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