Understanding Mediumship

Mediumship is based on spirituality and the spiritual light that exists in every person. It is not based on fear or judgment but on love. We can share unconditional love through spirit communication that transforms and transcends us into a better understanding of our souls and our purpose here.
What Is Mediumship?
Psychic Mediums can feel, see, hear, and understand the messages and the presence of those who have crossed into spirit form. This communication helps to bring comfort and validation that the energy of a soul never dies. Although this may be a controversial subject for some, it has been practiced, appreciated, and respected by many throughout the world for a very long time.
It is not a practice to be taken lightly, attempted with negative intentions, or merely entertained. Calling on spirits for assistance is a practice that deserves reverence and respect from those who wish to engage in this type of communication. There are beautiful, incredible beings on the other side who want nothing more than to assist us on our human life journey. As we navigate through challenges and situations, losing loved ones and needing guidance, they are always near with unconditional love. Spirit guides, ascended masters, angels, and kindred souls who bring healing energy exist in higher frequencies and allow us to share these dimensions in times of need.
Belief in the afterlife is the first step in accepting that mediumship is real. Having an open mind and a life theme of empathy is also a great motivator to open up about these experiences. Some people are born with their psychic abilities wide open, and they need help understanding what is happening. Others may have a great interest in metaphysical matters, and through study and practice, they are able to enhance their abilities through time. Meditation practices are also extremely important in making and strengthening connections to the spirit. Quiet spaces, saying a prayer, or a chant help a receiver to listen, feel and intuit. Full-on connection only requires that a medium is open to receive the energies and the messages being sent.
The messages can come through visions and symbols, along with being able to hear word for word from the other side. Using a crystal pendulum can help a beginner ask simple questions or even spell words and sentences. Through practice and patience, no tools are needed. A gifted, dedicated, and experienced medium is able to hear, feel, see, and know what is being translated without them. They can learn to interpret everything through pure light energy.
We must respect that not all souls cross into the light when their human bodies die. They may have lived a life here that was void of compassion, empathy, love, and understanding for life. They may have a great fear of judgment in that light. If someone is dabbling in spirit communication without protection and education about this phenomenon, it can open up a very harmful portal. These lost souls can send out disturbing energies and inaccurate information because of the place they reside in. They have made a choice to stay in the in-between spaces. If they choose the light, great soul healing can take place. Mediums who are greatly skilled understand this, and if they do encounter such a soul, they can direct them to the light. There are also souls who become lost and confused because they don’t understand what has happened to them, and they need direction. They mean no harm and may also have unfinished corporal business.
There are many reasons that people may be fearful or have a misunderstanding of mediumship. To many, it makes no sense if we believe in the afterlife through religion. Some religions teach against mediumship (although others encourage these connections). Why would it not be a wonderful and amazing way to connect with God?
Another reason is that there have been many who have “claimed” to be a psychic or a medium who turned out to be frauds. They did not respect or understand that it was a real and true skill, not a trick or an illusion. These practices have helped to tarnish the good intentions and miraculous experiences of those who have worked so hard to make true connections with spirit. Validation is all around us when we choose to educate ourselves to the truth. It is so important to read, study, and experience psychic mediumship on our own terms without interference from past judgment and negativity.
When we understand these metaphysical occurrences in high regard, we bring in the higher frequencies of spirit that help us heal and thrive. Mediumship is based on spirituality and the spiritual light that exists in every person. It is not based on fear or judgment but on love. We can share unconditional love through spirit communication that transforms and transcends us into a better understanding of our souls and our purpose here.
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About the Author
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read to clients all over the world. To learn more or contact us for a session, see judilynch.com
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Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.