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Golden Topaz – Gemstone Advent Calendar 18 December 2023

Golden Topaz – Gemstone Advent Calendar 18 December 2023

Gemstone Advent Calendar Day 18 - Golden Topaz

Golden Topaz is always associated with the Sun and the third chakra, solar plexus, self-esteem, ego, and personal goals.

Golden Topaz – Numerology and Homeopathic Gemstone Remedies

By Giovanna Franklin



Today’s karmic number is 1 (18+12=2023), which is the number related to the Sun: third chakra, solar plexus, self-esteem, ego, and personal goals.

The color is yellow, like Golden Topaz.

Topaz can come in a variety of colors, but the golden one is the most precious and the rarest.

Topaz was originally found only on the Island of Topazos in the Red Sea, now called Zebirget Island. Egyptian Pharaohs had exclusive rights to the mines, as it was considered the “stone of royalty.”

Because of its color, it was always associated with the Sun, and the third chakra, the third eye, is associated with clarity of thought.

In homeopathic terms, this remedy helps in cases of deep depression. The symptoms are similar to the remedy Opium: the apathy and indifference often caused by deep trauma. Because this is a gemstone remedy, symptoms are much more extreme. This remedy helps to get rid of emotional baggage and free the mind and soul once again. Like in all gemstones, the themes of feeling trapped and imprisoned, claustrophobia, and deep suffering are very much present. We are always reminded about the journey to freedom, balance, and spiritual enlightenment.

To learn how to use gemstone remedies and make your own, check out my new course:

My book Gifts from the Earth is available from Amazon.



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About the Author

Giovanna Franklin is a qualified homeopath based in the UK. She stumbled into homeopathy many years ago while looking to help her autistic son. As well as running a busy international practice for the last ten years, she is also a teacher, clinical supervisor, and author of Gifts from the Earth, Gemstone Remedies in Homeopathy

See Also
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Visit Giovanna Franklin on her website


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