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Karmic Cleansing Techniques for Correcting Past Life Mistakes

Karmic Cleansing Techniques for Correcting Past Life Mistakes

Karmic Cleansing

Discover the key to unlocking a harmonious life by correcting errors from past lives through karmic cleansing. Release the burdens of the past and embrace a future filled with positivity and growth.

Karmic Cleansing: Correcting Errors from Past Lives



According to certain beliefs, when a child is born, they carry with them messages and reflections of experiences from the past. Before birth, each human being has gone through previous lives that have left imprints in their aura, an energy field surrounding the physical body. Sometimes, people suffer from the consequences of the baggage they carry from other incarnations, necessitating a karmic cleansing.

It is believed, for instance, that if a person struggles with financial difficulties throughout their life, it might be because, in a past life, they misused money and did not utilize it properly. Similarly, a person who scorned others or failed to help when needed might bear the karma of being deaf in their current life.

However, karma should not be linked to every present situation. Therefore, before practicing karmic cleansing techniques intended to correct errors from past lives, you must conduct a self-evaluation, which can help eliminate some of the simpler conflicts of this life.


Change Begins Within You

We are what we think, so if you wish to change how things happen in your life, the first step is to visualize these attitudes while maintaining positive thoughts. For this, it is recommended that you create a unique form of meditation, like a prayer, that summarizes everything you wish to change.


Fundamental Meditation for Karmic Cleansing

It is important to know this method, as it is a way to open the pathways of your consciousness and ensure the success of future visualization exercises. It is also the first step towards changing your life through karmic refining.

Perform this meditation twice daily: when you wake up and before you sleep. Before meditating, relax your entire body, free your mind from worries, and let joy take over your interior. Set aside time each day for visualization, just as you allocate a daily period to care for yourself.



Look at your body and imagine a violet light ray emanating from you, illuminating everything surrounding you. This color symbolizes spiritual transmutations and fills your interior with positive energy.

When you feel ready, concentrate and repeat these words softly: “I am a free person, willing to change according to my desires. Nothing will prevent me from growing, learning from others, loving, and being loved. I am searching for my destiny and will not let doubts and uncertainties be part of my life. I use my freedom to find happiness.”

Meditation is about seeing clearly the body that we have, the mind that we have, the domestic situation that we have, the job that we have, and the people who are in our lives. It’s about seeing how we react to all these things. It’s seeing our emotions and thoughts just as they are right now, in this very moment, in this very room, on this very seat. It’s about not trying to make them go away, not trying to become better than we are, but just seeing clearly with precision and gentleness.

~Pema Chodron


Purifying Whirlwind

This visualization exercise serves to cleanse and purify your aura of all karmic residues you carry. It requires only five minutes of your time but brings significant benefits and happiness.

Sit comfortably and relax your body slowly. Above you, imagine a white fire whirlwind starting to form. Visualize it spinning around your head and descending through the rest of your body.

Try to imagine this whirlwind as a spiral rotating clockwise, freeing your aura from all accumulated negative energies. Allow it to traverse your entire body and exit through your feet to be absorbed by the Earth.


Energization with Mantras

This method balances the auric field, providing the energy to perform your daily tasks efficiently and enthusiastically. According to the Tantra practitioners,  a guideline derived from ancient Wisdom traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and popular cults, mantras are magical formulas with the power to materialize the invoked divinity and are a technique for karmic cleansing.



Sit in a calm and peaceful place. Make your body comfortable and relaxed.

Visualize above you a crystalline sphere of white light that envelops you. The Sphere is located above your head, and its light is a source of positive energy, so visualize its clarity and feel it is growing strongly within you.


Using  Ageless Sacred Names

Then, pronounce the name Eheieh, an ancient Hebrew god, meaning “I am what I am,” emphasizing each syllable and feeling your head flooded with good vibrations. Repeat this name five to ten times, visualizing only positive things.

Pause and visualize the white light sphere descending to your throat. Pronounce the name of the god Yhvh Elohim, meaning “the lord of creation,” and feel the light rays become even more intense and bright. Repeat this name five to ten times.

Breathe deeply and feel the light invade your heart, where a third bright sphere will form. Slowly, syllable by syllable, say the name of Eloah Vadaath, repeating it five to ten times.

In your heart, feel how the sphere of light becomes stronger. This god’s name means “God manifests through the mind.”

Rest a bit, and then visualize a light ray descending to your groin area. Feel and see a fourth intense light sphere forming there. Say the name of the god Shaddaie Chai and repeat it five to ten times. At this moment, feel an extra energy taking over your body and visualize what you want for your life. Shaddaie Chai means “the almighty existing god.”

Wait a while. Visualize with your mind’s eyes, and imagine a ray of light reaching your feet, where a fifth sphere of light, even brighter, will form. Picture the luminous rays descending into the Earth and then pronounce the name Adonai Ha’aretz, which means “lord of the earth.” Continue to repeat the name five to ten times.

Having done this, you will have formed the configuration that will balance your body with your aura. Then, concentrate on the top of your head and practice rhythmic breathing: inhale slowly, counting to four, and feel the energy accumulated on the left side of your body radiating through your aura. To exhale, slowly empty your lungs, counting to four, and feel the energy leaving the right side of your body, enhancing your aura.

See Also



Now, each time you inhale, see and feel the energy that envelops your body flow downwards, and each time you exhale, feel this energy flow upwards your body. Repeat this cycle four to five times, sustaining concentration, and notice your auric field expanding.

Feel this energy going to your feet. As you inhale, visualize a rainbow of lights moving up and down from your feet to your head. When you exhale, see how this rainbow expands over you, coloring your soul.


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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.


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