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Limbic Resonance: Connecting to Others’ Emotions

Limbic Resonance: Connecting to Others’ Emotions

Limbic Resonance

Dive into the fascinating world of Limbic Resonance: the remarkable ability to feel and comprehend the emotions of others. Explore how this phenomenon influences our behavior, emotions, and bonds with those around us.

Limbic Resonance: The Invisible Force that Shapes Our Relationships



Limbic Resonance is the capacity of mammals to tune in to the internal manifestations of others. It’s the ability to feel and even understand what another feels, a phenomenon that can be described as physical, anatomical, psychological, and spiritual.

The ability to apply Limbic Resonance facilitates the reading of the emotions of the people around us in such a way that we intensify our sensitivities and perceptions of the feelings and emotions of those in contact with us. It is a “non-verbal” capability that allows the adaptability of our behavior without hurting or offending the emotions of those around us.

This process happens when we are face to face and look into other people’s eyes as if it were “love at first sight.” Other examples of Limbic Resonance include what we feel as “butterflies in the stomach” when the heart races and we can’t control it. Mothers and fathers feel it when they need to wake up in the middle of the night to calm their children. When the eyes of parents meet the eyes of their crying babies, and suddenly they quiet down, that is Limbic Resonance.

Unlike animals, such as a turtle that pulls its head and limbs into its shell, humans are social beings constantly exercising Limbic Resonance. With every visual or sensory contact, we are releasing this process into our lives. This tuning, as we may call it, regulates our emotional expressions and is fundamental for the beginning and maintenance of relationships.

The state of empathy, or being empathic, is to perceive the internal frame of reference of another with accuracy and with the emotional components and meanings which pertain thereto as if one were the person.

~ Carl Rogers



Limbic Resonance is a brain-emotion process (Reason – Emotion) with immediate physical and mental unfolding. The exchange between people happens in milliseconds. It’s a look, a touch, a gesture, a sensation, and suddenly, we are connected in the process of Limbic Resonance. It’s something wonderful. It affects the heartbeat, hormonal regulation, immune functions, and all the characteristics of sleep, including REM sleep.

The more we exercise Limbic Resonance, the more it shows that we are in love with people and ourselves. In contrast, low Limbic Resonance is the cause of barriers between people and the alienation of oneself and others in our lives.

Interestingly, as children (from infancy), there is within us an incessant search for the process of Limbic Resonance from parents, as it is believed that not yet knowing the external world and its possibilities, we live attached to our parents, and this is fundamental for our development as a person and learning of life’s conservation and pleasures. However, as we start the process of independence and reduce dependence on our parents and caregivers, we lose “part” of this physiological and spiritual process of Limbic Resonance.

The detachment from the process of Limbic Resonance can be the cause of deep pains that I call “pains of the soul” and consequently produce traces of depression and anxiety. When we stop looking at people and lose sensitivity to life’s issues, we run the risk of deviating from the normal path of life. As a result, we become ill-tempered, sad, anxious, and develop psychosomatic illnesses.

However, when we are seeking (consciously or unconsciously) the process of Limbic Resonance, we can develop a good mood, giving colors to life’s memories, creating possibilities for life’s issues, opening a world of opportunities, observing perceptions of oneself and others, reducing judgments, and increasing affection with other people, ultimately creating a desire for interdependence and mutuality, generating an intrinsic desire to live in community and communion with people.

Of course, with the advent of social networks, we have lost some of this process, as we are living in a new era and need to adapt to these realities. I do not believe the world will go back, but we will be increasingly consumed by technology and digital information. Therefore, it becomes essential to nurture friendships and family relationships.

Limbic Resonance is a wonderful process that we can revive within ourselves and perhaps learn every day, and with those around us, that sensitivity and emotions are passed from person to person and that we are whole within everything. We cannot live in isolation but in collectivity, harmony, and love.



We are much more than reason; we are emotion and spirituality. We are infinitely more than we imagine, for whoever created us gave us something greater than we can conceive. Each person has within themselves a divine spark that can light up themselves and as many sparks as they can.

All changes are within us. All of us can live through this process called Limbic Resonance.

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