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Circles and Rings

Circles and Rings

Circles and Rings

“Victor Fuhrman is a very wise poet who shares his life philosophy in rhyming verse. In these pages, you’ll discover sonnets of soulmates, odes to daily life, letters to the Divine, and gratitude for the gifts of daily life! Victor’s words uplift us, even during times of strife. So, when you are ready to celebrate, or in need of a balm for grief, let this book, Circles and Rings, provide clarity, understanding, and relief!” – Arielle Ford, author of  The Love Thief.

Book Spotlight – Circles and Rings: A Collection of Poetry from the Soul

By Victor Fuhrman


Circles and Rings
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When asked about the genesis of his poetry, Victor Fuhrman says that the words “come through” him, often inspired by images in his mind’s eye. He offers as an example the title poem of this collection, “Circles and Rings.” After the passing of his mother, he had visions of circles and rings that started him thinking about “these wondrous designs found in nature and the message of continuity they represent.” Coming from a family of rhymers, he believes that this gift is passed down genetically. This collection contains poetry that Fuhrman says “comes from the soul” and reflects all aspects of life. He regards poetry as a form of “spiritual alchemy” and that the messages his poetry reflects often come through when there are those who need to receive them. He reminds us that the word “inspire” comes from the Latin in (in) and spirare (to breathe). So take a deep breath in, and join him on this journey of inspiration.


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About the Author

Victor Fuhrman is an Interfaith Minister, healer, spiritual counselor, and author whose deep and rich voice inspired the handle, Victor the Voice. With his soulful sound, he helps people heal. He also does this through energy work and ceremony. He is the host and producer of Destination Unlimited and Vox Novus on OMTimes Radio and a contributing editor for OMTimes Magazine. He graduated from and was ordained through the New Seminary in 1997 and received his doctorate from the seminary in 2020. He also served as Minister of Communications for The Interfaith Temple. Victor has been marrying couples in love and counseling people challenged by love, loss, and grief for more than 24 years.


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