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Paul Selig: A World Made New

Paul Selig: A World Made New

Paul Selig_World New

Paul Selig is regarded as one of the most profound spiritual channels of our time. Through his groundbreaking works of channeled literature — I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation, The Book of Knowing and Worth, The Book of Mastery, The Book of Truth, The Book of Freedom, and the Beyond the Known Trilogy: Realization, Alchemy, and The Kingdom — Selig has brought forth an extraordinary body of teachings designed to guide both personal and planetary transformation. His work offers a roadmap for spiritual awakening as humanity begins to recognize and embody its own inherent divinity. As a medium, Selig channels higher wisdom from the Guides, providing a path toward self-realization, healing, and a deeper alignment with the divine essence that resides within all beings. These texts form a cohesive spiritual program that not only helps individuals reconnect with their sacred purpose, but also illuminates the collective evolution of consciousness on a planetary scale.

An Interview with Paul Selig



OMTimes sat with Paul to talk about his new book, the third part of his Manifestation trilogy: A World Made New

OMTimes: Welcome, Paul. It is a pleasure to have you back in our Magazine. How does your new book,c”A World Made New,” complement the series of spiritual teachings you have been doing for the past few years?

Paul Selig: Thanks for having me. A World Made New is the twelfth book the Guides have dictated through me, and they say it is the culmination of the teachings they began in their first book, I Am the Word, which was published in 2010. The ideas that were introduced in the first book are completed and unpacked in this one, including how a world is made new through alignment to an elevated consciousness.


OMTimes: In my humble opinion, your Book is a Masterpiece. It introduces hermetic concepts that are valuable for expanding and understanding ourselves and our roles as co-creators. In the book, you speak of the various degrees of reality.

Paul Selig: Thank you, although I don’t consider the book to be mine. I consider myself a collaborator in that I am taking the dictation and peppering the teachings with my own questions as they occur, but I am not a religious scholar and don’t know too much about the hermetic teachings. The Guides explain the levels of realities as musical octaves. We abide in one reality, which they call “the common field,” and say that there are others, including “The Upper Room,” which they explain is the octave of vibration above the common field, sometimes referred to as “Christ Consciousness.”


OMTimes: Explain to us how our existing perception of the world limits our ability to embrace a new reality.

Paul Selig: Well, the Guides say we are always manifesting, and that because the personality structure, which they call “the small self,” knows itself entirely through history, it claims a reality in vibrational accord with the history that it has amassed. We expect what we get. The Guides say we have been at war for so long we expect war, and consequently, we always have it. Until we move to a level of consciousness where war is not a possibility, we will continue to claim the old. The Guides speak at length about how all things are made new through vibrational accord from the Upper Room because the self that aligns there is not operating in fear or a false belief in separation.



OMTimes: Can the learning process of “re-knowing” yourself as your true, eternal nature contribute to your role in altering the structure of the world we live in? 

Paul Selig: The Guides have been emphasizing the importance of this since they began teaching through me. The True Self knows who and what it is, which is an aspect of the Creator in form, and it knows how it serves or expresses itself most fully through us. As we align with our true natures and express it, the world is altered through our presence and being.


OMTimes: How does the concept of personalizing God limit our understanding of the Divine, and how can we move toward realizing God as an integral part of our own being?

Paul Selig: Well, the Guides say we’ve done the best we can, but that all Gods are facets of the one God, or the God that is presence beyond any name. We have created loving gods, punishing gods, gods that would damn some and elevate others. All of these are our creations and imprinted by the histories that have been attached to them. The Guides have said that there is nothing wrong with religion per se, that the seed of truth is present in all of them, but what we have done with them through the ages has often corrupted the pure essence of the spiritual teaching.


OMTimes: Does the realization that “I am more than I thought” free us from the limitations imposed by old ideas of identity, reality, and divinity?

Paul Selig: Yes. The Guides often stress that everything, at its basis, is an idea, and we attach meaning and values to ideas in ways that are often restrictive and harmful. They often teach that “The small self thinks, and the True Self knows,” which implies that the aspect of us that truly knows is operating beyond the old bias of inherited values and ideas. Realization is about knowing, not thinking, and the aspect of us that truly knows is not bound by old biases or ideas that have been deeply informed by fear.



OMTimes: How can releasing old beliefs about what is possible allow us to alter the “infrastructure of reality” and relearn our true selves beyond the limitations of past knowledge? 

Paul Selig: We’re always getting what we expect at one level or another. This goes back to what I said earlier, that the personality structure knows itself entirely through history. The GFuides often say that we’re always ordering off of the menu what we believe we’re allowed to have. They say that they are offering us our inheritance and remind us that an inheritance is offered but does not need to be earned. Nothing, they say, is claimed until it is first claimed as a possibility.


OMTimes: How can one maintain a sense of self daily while understanding they are still connected to a higher Source? 

Paul Selig: It’s the teaching of being in the world but not of it. The Guides are practical. We’re not abandoning the small self. We need it to operate while we’re in physical form. We need to know what time to pick the kid up at school and when to show up for an appointment. The personality self is utilized at a higher level, but we are choosing and creating from a higher level.


Paul Selig -Manifestation Trilogy


OMTimes: What does it mean to experience two realities—the material world and a higher spiritual alignment—at the same time? 

Paul Selig: When I was in my mid-30s and struggling spiritually, I heard a phrase from the Guides that I didn’t understand. “Freedom comes when the throne relinquishes its king.” I didn’t understand it at the time. I do now. Which aspect of us is sitting on the throne or running the show? The personality self, which wants what it wants when it wants it, or the True Self, which knows itself as an aspect of Source? They are very different levels of alignment.


OMTimes: How does the vibration we hold influence the physical world we operate in? 

Paul Selig: People nowadays have, unfortunately, decided that manifestation is about “getting things.” It’s not. Look around you. Everything you see, you are in alignment with, which means that you are in coherence or energetic accord with it. This is true at the personal and collective level. We are living in the world we agree to, and our consciousness informs everything that we see and experience. When one moves to the higher, or when there is a collective shift to a higher consciousness, which they say is occurring, the physical reality we inhabit must shift to move into accord with it. When you know what the Source of all things is, you stop struggling to get it to do what you want, and you move to a place of receptivity to your good.


OMTimes: Why is adjusting the physical body and self-awareness important as we elevate our spiritual experience?

Paul Selig: I think of this as a matter of wattage. I had an energetic experience in my 20s, which, for all I know, blew out my circuits for a while. I may never know. The Guides are clear that we can only hold, vibrationally, what we can manage without overloading or losing the sense of reality that is required for us to be able to function practically. If you think of putting 200 watts of electricity into a 60-watt bulb, it will be problematic. The body needs to be shifted to be able to hold the higher energy moving through it. This is addressed in all of the books the Guides have offered.

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OMTimes: In what ways can aligning with a higher consciousness alter our everyday experiences and surroundings? 

Paul Selig: Simply put, you stop operating in fear or using fear as the backdrop for all your choices. The Guides say, “Who you put in darkness, what you put in darkness, calls you to the darkness,” or more simply put, “What you damn, damns you back.” So, stop damning things, and stop making choices in fear and see how much better things get on a practical level.


OMTimes: Do you have anything you would like our readers to know? Where can one find your courses and teachings?

Paul Selig: The twelve books are a series of teachings, and while they can be read in order, they are not required. The Guides teach in a one-room schoolhouse, and they say that everyone will be met at the level of consciousness they arrive at. A Word Made New is a fine place to begin or the first book, I Am the Word. They teach a lot, offer weekly online classes, and offer monthly live-streamed intensives and answer questions. I offer live workshops as well, and information on all of my events and books is available on my website,


You will also enjoy Paul Selig – The Book of Knowing and Worth


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