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Introduction to Manifesting

Introduction to Manifesting


Manifesting can be direct or indirect. Direct manifesting uses divine will, while indirect relies on tools like affirmations. Discover your true creative power by unlocking the power of manifesting!

Types of Manifesting: Indirect and Direct



There are two types of Manifesting: Indirect and Direct. Indirect is when you create your reality not directly but with the help of intermediaries – spiritual tools like visualizations, affirmations, scripting, vision boards, rituals, prayer, or other manifesting methods. Direct Manifesting is manifesting without any of those tools, using only the power of your divine will – the will of God, who is your true self. This is not the will of your mind; this is the will of your heart. The choice of your heart. Most people manifest using Indirect Manifesting. My goal today is to show you why you may want to consider the direct way versus the indirect way.


Problems with Indirect Manifesting

Shifting Responsibility

We don’t know that we are God, we don’t know what we are capable of, and it’s easier for us to think that some other force, be it the higher force, the universe, a god you believe in, a spiritual entity you connect with, or a method or technique has the power to create your reality, rather than your own power. And it’s somewhat true – until we are awakened to the knowledge that we are The Creator, our power to create reality directly is also not awakened yet.

We shift responsibility, believe in the power of others more than our own, and rely on others – other forces, other methods- to help us achieve our goals. When we use intermediaries, we shift responsibility and attribute results to the power of those intermediaries. This hinders our own realization and activation of our own power. The more we rely on intermediaries, tools, and methods, the more we relay our power to other forces and don’t activate our own. We forget who we are more and more. Our Creative power stays dormant. When we believe it’s the method, prayer, or ritual that worked, we are not actually creating this reality; we are passively waiting for the outcome to appear. You are a recipient who performs some rituals and appeals to some forces and then anticipates and hopes that it will manifest, which is never guaranteed. You, as a recipient, don’t know the mechanics of how things manifest, why they did this time, or why they didn’t. This knowledge is not available to you. The time has come in our spiritual evolution, where we should no longer transfer responsibility to third parties. If we want to become who we truly are – The Creator – whose main mission is to create this reality consciously instead of thinking that some method worked.



Ineffectiveness of Indirect Methods

The next problem with indirect manifesting is that it simply doesn’t work that well. We as a collective are slowly but surely outgrowing the indirect method and relying on intermediaries between us and the creator within, that’s why with each year there appear to be fewer and fewer people who see results from indirect manifesting. It’s not effective, and with each day, fewer and fewer people get results. Soon, it will not work at all. Indirect manifesting is simply less effective. It works partially for some people in some cases.

Suppose you were frustrated that your manifesting doesn’t work while Instagram manifesting adepts show you their new cars, houses, and everything. In that case, they keep manifesting using affirmations and visual boards. At the same time, you can’t understand that this might not be because you are doing something incorrectly or something is wrong with you; the irony is that you might be too spiritually advanced to use those methods. It is not beneficial for you to receive results relaying responsibilities on third parties, you have outgrown those spiritual tools and tricks, you are ready to manifest directly. Our hearts no longer accept middlemen between us and our true Self.


The Power of Direct Manifesting

Understanding Who You Are

What the Direct Manifesting of Meta Spirituality tradition offers you is the ability to stop shifting responsibility, activate the power of the creator within, and start creating only with the power of your choice. You will not learn a single manifestation technique or method. Instead, you will learn who you are and how to express it in your daily life so that reality—the extension of who you are—can be exactly as you choose it to be in any aspect of your life.

What is needed to master Direct Manifesting? Only one understanding – knowing who you are. My approach, what I teach, and the spiritual knowledge you gain in my programs in my sessions is a completely different approach, a direct one, where you directly realize that you are the creator. This involves a shift in perception, changing your self-identification, changing your perception of yourself directly, of who you are. From this foundation, you perceive the world with new eyes; you perceive the desired and everything around you and everyone around you not as separate from yourself but as part of who you are. You become one; you close this gap between yourself and what you want, and materialization happens much faster.



The Illusion of Separation

Methods such as visualization, affirmation, and various manifestation practices do not change the essence of who you are; they do not change your perception of yourself, the core and root of the problem. The root of the problem is that you do not know your true “I,” are not connected with it, and do not know that you are the creator, God, who contains everything, who is everything, who is one with everything. This illusion of separation, which is present in your consciousness, makes you a God, a Creator who does not know, does not realize themselves and their power, and therefore is not able to consciously create, to create their reality according to their desire.

Changing your perception of yourself is the most honest, the most direct, the truest path and method of materializing any desire. Whereas all other methods, which I call spiritual intermediaries, are intermediary ways of interacting with the world. With the world that seems separate, with God who seems separate, from whom we ask for something, from some higher powers that supposedly are separate from us, and we beg them for the true nature of who we are. This is the truth; this is the truth about who we are. By connecting with this knowledge, with this perception of ourselves, even if we have not experienced some internal fireworks of enlightenment or some incredible awakenings, nevertheless, even on a mental level, when you are told, and you hear the truth about who you are, it penetrates you, it seeps into you, and this remembrance is activated within you because this truth lives in you, in your heart. This is your truth. This is not some method of mine, a way, or some practice that needs to be practiced. This is not some spiritual or energetic tool, of which there are millions now, as everyone is inventing whatever they can. This is the truth; this is the knowledge about who you are and your true nature. And when this memory is activated, everything in your life begins to change. Therefore, this is so much stronger than any other methods of interacting with reality, which is you, and any other methods of materializing the desired.



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About the Author

Nina Verkoeyen, called “the modern female Buddha” by LA Weekly, founded Meta Spirituality – an emerging spiritual tradition taking America by storm – in 2016. A psychologist and spiritual teacher with 20 years of experience, in 2016, Nina went through a spontaneous spiritual transformation (enlightenment) and acquired spiritual knowledge that profoundly changed her life and work. Since then, her mission has been to spread the message of Meta Spirituality and share it with millions of people. Nina believes that we have outgrown mainstream spirituality with its focus on intermediaries – spiritual tools popularized by mainstream spirituality that are rather detrimental to our personal growth than helpful.


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