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Charging for Spiritual Services – Getting Paid What You Are Worth

Charging for Spiritual Services – Getting Paid What You Are Worth

Charging for Spiritual Services

Discover why charging for spiritual services is essential for valuing your gifts and creating mutual abundance.

Charging for Spiritual Services – A Guide to Earning What You’re Worth

By Venus Castelberg



As a coach to others who offer spiritual-based services, I am often asked, “What is an appropriate amount to charge for my services? Or should I not be charging at all?” A quick Google search reveals no shortage of opinion pieces suggesting that it is wrong to charge money for things such as spiritual coaching, cards, psychic readings, etc. The idea is that spirituality is not an occupation, and charging money to use your spiritual gifts is unethical. Respectfully, I could not disagree more.

Here are my top 4 tips on why charging for spiritual services benefits you and your clients.


Giving is NOT more valuable than receiving.

Giving and receiving are simultaneous. Consider the exchange between plants and humans. Plants produce the oxygen that people require. People produce the carbon dioxide that plants need. Who is giving, and who is receiving? The answer is both are giving and receiving at the same time. It is the way of nature. It is the way the Universe works.

When you offer a service to another, you are giving, and they are receiving. When you charge for your service, your client is giving, and you are receiving. True communion and true spirituality are achieved in the flow of simultaneous giving and receiving, and the result is thriving for everyone.


What value do you place on you?

How much or how little do you value you? Do you recognize the value of what you are offering to others? When you have a talent, ability, or gift, dismissing how valuable it is can be easy. Often, when something comes naturally to us, we conclude that it must not be that important. That is absolutely untrue. Ask those who have worked with you what has changed in their lives after receiving your services. Inquire as to what is different and what has gotten greater. Now, if you were going to pay someone else for what you do, what would that be worth to you? Don’t dim you down when you explore this question! It is NOT more spiritual to pretend humility. True humility is acknowledging your brilliance to yourself without the need for others to validate it.


There is no lack in the Universe.

When observing the earth, it is clear that the planet is an abundant place. YOU are a part of that abundance, and prosperity is a natural part of living in alignment with your gifts. The Universe desires to give you everything you require and desire in life. The Universe is grateful to you for choosing to make the world a greater place by using your gifts. To live in poverty or lack is to go against the very fabric of the Universe. Abundance doesn’t just apply to everyone and everything around you. It includes you, too.


Not charging for your services attracts spiritual vampires.

Not charging for your services ensures that spiritual vampires will come your way. They will take everything you have to offer without gratitude and usually find fault with you. Attract people who genuinely desire change. Bring in clients who will value what you offer and be grateful. How? Charge them. People do not value what they get for free.

Using your gifts in the world does not require you to sacrifice financial freedom and prosperity. The more you prosper, the more you are able to give. The more you receive, the more you are able to offer others. Acknowledge your brilliance and beauty to yourself. Recognize how wonderfully valuable you are and charge for your services a number that reflects that. You will have more fun and success for yourself, and your clients will follow when you are having fun.


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About the Author

Venus Castleberg is a Spiritual Awakening Coach, intuitive guide, healer, and teacher with over 20 years of experience as a psychic medium and practitioner of more than 25 healing modalities, including Shamanism, Hypnotherapy, and various forms of energy work. As the founder of Psychic University and Bridging Realms, Venus is dedicated to helping spiritually gifted individuals embrace their abilities and step into their unique purpose with confidence and clarity.

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