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Understanding the Shift

Understanding the Shift

By Darrell Johnson

We are at a very momentous and important period in our planet’s history and existence.  An awakening of consciousness is taking place all around the world today, as we are collectively beginning to understand and realize who and what we truly are, and our literal connection to one another and the universe.  With every passing day the illusions of limitation, divisiveness  and separation are falling away.  Even with the constant bombardment of negativity and ongoing attempts at polarization through fear and intimidation from forces that would try to keep this wave of spiritual energy at bay, the  shift is occurring.  The light is here to stay.

What is this shift?  It is an awakening to our true identity.  It is the light being switched on in each and every one of us to the conscious understanding of who and what we truly are.  We are Soul, a divine spark of All That Is.  We are eternal; we have always existed and we will always be.  We inhabit a body, but this body is not who and what we are; it is merely a vehicle that we have been given to have mobility and experience on this physical plane of existence.  We have been here many times before, in many different incarnations over millennia and have gained exceptional insights through our collective experience.  We are the sum total of all of our experiences.  This shift occurring is the lifting of the veil of what could be called spiritual amnesia, placed over each and every one of us so as to gain experience in lower world existence.

The shift is in fact a multi-dimensional transition, an increase in the vibratory rate of current existence from 3rd density into 4th (and for some, 5th) density reality.  This rise in our vibrational level brings with it an inevitable trigger of awakened consciousness and enlightenment for all who accept the change.  I say “accept” because free will dictates that this transition is one of choice.  We must all individually and collectively make a knowing choice as to whether or not we will embrace the love inherent in Divine enlightenment or continue to accept the status quo consciousness of divisiveness, fear and the limited dense and negatively charged polarity that has plagued us for so long.

See Also

What I am talking about here are polarities of energy.  Understand that everything is energy.  When we break down our fundamental state of existence to the quantum level, it is all energy; it is all consciousness.  These energies come in unlimited vibratory rates; polarities.  We have for quite some time now lived in a crude and dense 3rd dimensional energy center.  Within 3rd density, there are some forms of consciousness that have chosen to thrive here.  Rather than embrace the light, they prefer this denser, more negatively charged form of energy and consciousness.  It is for this reason that I say you have a choice.  To embrace the dense, negative polarity means to reject the enlightenment that Spiritual evolution into 4th and higher density reality brings.  Inevitably all will flow back to Source, but spiritual free will mandates that this occur only when Soul is ready.

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