Spring Decor
Redecorating on a Budget
I have always tried to hide my efforts and wished my works to have a light joyousness of springtime which never lets anyone suspect the labors it has cost me. ~ Henri Matisse
When the cold, darker days of winter have passed; when we pack away our heavier draperies and we put away our winter woolens, like Mother Nature, our thoughts turn to lighter ideas of freshness. We can change to spring décor in our homes to a lighter, brighter theme and still be redecorating on a budget by following these suggestions:
As the days warm up in spring, doesn’t it make you want to freshen up your house – to air it out, to open the doors and windows, to change something – fresh paint, clean or new curtains, new sofa pillows, more plants? I know, I know. We could all break the budgetary banks with this, so if you are redecorating on a budget, let’s slow down a moment and look that these seven inexpensive tips or changes that will freshen up your spring décor and make it bright as the springtime happening outside.
Sheets. Crisp sheets feel so good. In our day, most of us use a dryer to dry our sheets after we launder them. How about hanging them outside on a clothes line to dry? They will feel crisper and smell terrific. Your bedroom will be brighter automatically.
Sheers. It definitely time to take down heavier winter curtains and launder them before you pack them away for next winter. Hang up sheer curtains to let in more sunlight and it will automatically make you feel more cheerful yourself.
Paint. Pick the wall that has the most scuff marks on it from throughout the year and paint just that one wall a shade lighter than the rest of the room. It will give you that lighter, freshened feel without much effort at all.
Pillows. You can easily make new pillow covers. Hunt through your inventory of fabric (we all have a bit of that) and either add patterns to your current pillows or make brand new ones. Add trim like buttons to make them sparkle.
Flowers. Flowers always bloom in springtime, so move a pot of blooming bulbs into your living room. Maybe there’s room on your coffee table for tulips or crocus or narcissus. The whole room will feel refreshed.
Arrangement. Get a piece of graph paper, and sketch out a new arrangement for the furniture in your rooms. You might even want to trade furniture from one room to another. Try to see your furniture in a new way and then get some help with that heavy lifting.
Girlfriends Exchange. Consider exchanging furniture, accessories or artwork with a girlfriend just for the springtime. Each of you can enjoy something brand new in your homes without spending a cent.
Doesn’t it make you want to get busy right now? Even if you are redecorating on a budget, these spring décor ideas will have you enjoying the bright new season.
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Known as the Oprah of the Mideast, Maria Khalife is an acclaimed television personality, executive and a beloved media celebrity in the Arabic-speaking world with diverse international audiences. She is the host and executive producer of top-rated network television and radio programs, magazine publisher, author, an in-demand motivational speaker, seminar leader and internationally recognized lifestyle and well-being coach.