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Learn How to Send a Pet “Comfort”

Learn How to Send a Pet “Comfort”

by Naomi McDonald

Spring is just around the corner and people are beginning to plan their get-away trips. I know this by the requests many of my clients are making during their animal communication sessions with me.  “Please tell Sam (the dog, cat, iguana and etc.) that I am going out of town and I will be back.”  Of course I do but I also reassure the owner that their pet will understand completely if they give the details of the trip directly to them.  When they look at me with a “You’ve got to be kidding” expression, I explain one of the many lessons animals have taught me over the years and is described in my new book, They Sing to Our Hearts.

Every living being is connected by a divine web or matrix and it is through this matrix we share information. The words we say or pictures we form in our minds all begin as an intention at a proverbial level.  At this level all language is the same and is not confined to space or time.  It also has its own energetic signature just like the waves of a radio or television station.  Once we have a relationship with one another being the filaments of the web that joins us is ever so slightly expanded. Also the more emotion that comes from our heart through our thoughts and intentions the stronger the connection becomes. This heart to heart link is one of the most powerful connections possible.

A human may or may not be consciously aware of thoughts or emotions being sent by another but animals are much more receptive and telepathic because their receivers are always on picking up the waves of our intentions. Whether we realize it or not, we are always exchanging information with them.  It is not unusual for an animal to tell me that their person has purchased a new car, has painted their house or is concerned about someone.  Often it surprises my clients that their pets inform me they are going out of town before they do. So if you are planning a trip or just going to the corner store explain your plans out loud to your pet.  Then sometime during the day or evening while you are away send your pet loving comforting thoughts by saying hello to them in your mind, or showing them a picture of you together and tell them when you will be home. Of course, the same is true for all emotions so be aware of any fear or anxiety you may have about leaving your animal as they will surely pick up these feelings as well.

Remember our animals live more in the moment; they don’t worry about the future or regret the past as we too often do and are always open to the energy of our intentions.  Likewise, we all have the ability to hear our pet’s thoughts.  All we need to do is to switch our receivers on and BELIEVE!  As I teach in my communication classes, be open to any thoughts, feelings, pictures or words that come to you when you talk with your pet.

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Naomi McDonald is a professional animal communicator, certified shamanic practitioner, and educator.  She is the author of the newly released book, They Sing to Our Hearts: A Communicator Shares Her Stories of Animal Wisdom. Naomi has studied extensively throughout North and South America with renowned teachers in the fields of metaphysics, quantum physics, shamanism and animal communication. She works with clients locally and long distance, teaches an innovative animal communication program that incorporates shamanic healing techniques and personal self development, gives speaking engagements, and volunteers her talents at animal rescue organizations’ events across the United States.  For more information go to

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