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Can Your Work Make You Fat?

Can Your Work Make You Fat?

Can Your Work Make You Fat? Do You Feel Too Much?

Ever feel like you just feel way too much? Are you prone to anxiety, depression, moodiness, or over stimulation, but can’t put a finger on why? Do you tend to find large crowds overwhelming? Do you notice you have to ground yourself with food to quell those feelings? And have you ever put on weight even without eating too much? When things are stressful at work do you just feel like jumping out of your skin sometimes but instead reach for a snack to calm down?

This is a common trait for people who feel too much when they experience empathy overwhelm.

People who feel too much are clairsentient—a form of intuitive empathy that manifests in highly sensitive people who literally feel the emotions of others. Clairsentience is the intuitive ability to sense subtler forms of energy. As a clairsentient, you tend to unconsciously pick up on and absorb the feelings around you—whether it’s from one person, a large crowd of people, your environment, or even what’s going on in the world. You can sense things that others may not be able to, which enables you to “read” situations very well and make decisions accordingly. People are often instinctively drawn to you, and random strangers may even tell you their troubles. As someone who feels too much, you probably have profound healing and counseling abilities. Ultimately, feeling “too much” is a profound asset, both personally and professionally. One in five people are intuitive empaths, though many are unaware and instead think there must be something wrong with them for feeling so much. In my many years as an intuitive counselor, I’ve worked with countless people who were struggling because they were clairsentient but didn’t realize it or know how to protect themselves. As result, their lives were an emotional rollercoaster and more often than not they could measure their life experiences by their pant size too! I know because I am one too.

Without the right boundaries, as intuitive empaths we become unwittingly bogged down with all sorts of feelings that aren’t ours. With so many emotions swirling in our unconscious, we can easily lose our connection to ourselves and experience mood swings, depression, and anxiety—none of which is really “ours” in the first place. As a way to ground ourselves, many of us tend to unconsciously reach for quick fixes in food and struggle with addictions. If you’ve listened to my radio show you’ve probably heard me talk about my personal experience with using food to ground myself. Soon after I started doing readings full time, I noticed that I was gaining weight even though I was eating healthy and exercising. For years, I tried diet after diet, but it wasn’t until I made the connection between my clairsentience, disordered eating and weight gain and took special steps to protect my gift that I was finally able to lose the extra lbs. (By the way, if this experience sounds familiar to you, I highly recommend you join my Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much online intensive summer 2012.

The first key to stopping your clairsentient emotional overload is boundaries. This is about knowing what is YOU and what isn’t you, and then shielding yourself from any of that extra energetic baggage around you.

See all the particles of overload, stress, and anxiety fade away.

Perhaps you are a coach or therapist and have clients that struggle with this baffling issue and experience the yo-yo effect of empathy overload?

I can help you help them!


1. Check In – Check in with your feelings as you go about your day. Anytime you experience a charged emotion, stop and ask yourself if it’s really your emotion. If it’s your emotion, what’s it coming from? Get clarity on why you feel this way. If it’s not your emotion, where or who might it be coming from? If there happened to be something going on with that person or place, what might it be? Let your intuition give you the answers!

2. Protect Yourself – Make a list of all the “stuff” that tend to leave you feeling overloaded—the people, situations, places, and so on. (For example, a negative person, chaotic crowds, tense situation, even the nightly news.) Then come up with action steps to protect yourself around these energy vampires. While you may not be able to avoid some of the overloaders, there are always ways to set boundaries and ground yourself.

3. Reconnect with You! – Develop a daily (or twice daily) grounding ritual to reconnect with yourself and let go of what isn’t you. Here are a few examples: Every morning as you get out of bed, take a few minutes to put your feet firmly on the floor and visualize yourself surrounded by a light shield, which will protect you from energy invaders throughout the day ahead. Then at night, close your eyes and visualize yourself brushing off all that outside energy that’s trying to break in.

See Also

Weight Release Energetix ®

Working with a coach is highly effective and June 7th is the beginning of my online professional coach certification program – Weight Release Energetix ® a radical coaching approach to weight loss for people who feel too much.

When I created the first class 2 years ago I expected no more than 30 students if that) when I launched it. Over 300 signed up for the first online intensive and since then I have had over 2000 participants through the program with very positive and sometimes life changing results.

Random House is publishing my new book Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much in March 2013 and I am looking for coaches to train to support all the people who will be looking for further guidance and help to go through the program.

I’ve struggled with this my whole life and I know many others have too. I am incredibly grateful to share my experience and hope now with the world!

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