Soul Lessons from Jealousy and Envy
by Judi A. Lynch
It can begin when you are a child with sibling rivalry and manifest itself in different ways throughout the rest of your life! We have all felt it, experienced it through others, and been the victim of it at one time or another. So how do we understand and heal the jealousy in ourselves and the hurt that others jealousy and envy has caused us?
Worlds have collided, wars have begun and people have sacrificed everything because of jealous egos and envious thoughts. “He has more than I do”, “You like her better!” and the always fabulous “Well, who do they think they are?” These negative emotions are the true reasons all the gossip magazines exist.
It’s the “Let’s see what dirt we can get on the beautiful, talented and famous so we don’t feel so bad about ourselves” mentality. Envious of fame, beauty, money and success! Even if you have no interest in reading these publications, they are hard to avoid in the checkout line. Their popularity tells us we still have a long way to go in evolving on Earth!
How many times have you ever had something really amazing happen in your life? You can’t wait to share it, but when you do share it with certain people, they seemed indifferent, even hostile about your amazing event’s importance?
You are happily floating and someone takes a big giant pin and pops your beautiful bubble! They are in effect saying to you, “What’s the big deal!” You thought you would hear, “That’s wonderful! I’m so happy for you!” because that’s what you would have said. Your spiritual self knows that you have to let it go, as there are reasons for this reaction. Even though it may hurt for a little while, you know it’s important to keep your own ego in check and move on. You wanted to share your happy moment and are now trying not to feel like you were bragging about yourself because of someone’s reaction.

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