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Ask Whitedove -June 2012

Ask Whitedove -June 2012


Celebrity psychic Michelle Whitedove is a world-class medium whose mission is to empower humanity as a spiritual teacher and visionary. Named America’s #1 Psychic by Lifetime TV, Whitedove answers your metaphysical questions.


Dear Whitedove, I had a dream about a deceased relative, and when I woke up I swear I could smell her perfume.  Is there a logical reason for that? ~Nostalgic in Orlando

Dear Nostalgic

Many times our deceased loved ones will come through to visit us in the dream state.  Just because we don’t always consciously remember what they are saying to us, it is their way of letting us know they are still with us, watching over us. Take those dreams as a blessing and a gift.  Please know that your departed loved ones really are visiting you from the Heavens.

Dear Whitedove, I was at a spiritual retreat and someone said that we all have a gate keeper.  I was wondering if you’ve heard the term “Gate Keeper” and if so, could you explain in more detail. ~Perplexed in Carlisle

Dear Perplexed

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intuitive gifts OMTimes

Every person on Earth has an “Unseen Support Team” on the other side.  Your Gate Keeperis part of your team of Angels and Spirit Guides who walk through this life to help you and guide you on the right path.  Your Gate Keeper’s specific job is to protect your personal space in the spiritual realms.  For example, if a deceased loved one wished to come to you through the dream state or even on a rare occasion physically manifest, they would need permission from your Gate Keeper.  This specific helper knows your safety zone.  They work very diligently to make sure your boundaries are not violated, and that nothing from the other side whether positive or negative can gain access to you unless it is what you need or desire.

Gate Keepers provide many obstacles for remote viewers as well; someone who tries to physically spy on another person will often feel the wrath of their Gate Keeper.  They also keep evil entities at bay; your Gate Keeper is on the constant look out, like your own spiritual body guard and as such, you should always recognize and give thanks to your Gate Keeper for the protection they provide you every single day of your life

Dear Whitedove, As you look into the future do you see all these Solar Storms affecting the Earth in a negative way?  ~Sun Lover in Albuquerque

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