Holly’s Heavens – Week of 16 July 2012
by Holly Hall
Mars moved into Libra on July 3rd, finally busting out of workaholic Virgo. Mars has to do the social dance in polite Libra. Mars is blunt, Libra is flirty.
Welcome the passive-aggressive, indecisive, light-hearted run around. With Venus in friendly communicative Gemini we will now be able to express our passions, what we care about, our need for diplomacy and compassion self expression. Things will get much smoother from July 11th to 17th as Mars forms a confident trine to Jupiter in Gemini. Choices will be obvious and plentiful. Confidence will be high and lighthearted flirting/romance will be sparkling. Mars will be in Libra until August 23rd.
ARIES– people may very well be the ones that will fight this tooth and nail, seeing this as a sign for battle. It’s not about Black and White, it’s about the several shades of grey in between This can be a win/win.
TAURUS– will not enjoy this “all in your head” phase. Seemingly trapped in a world, of collaboration, negotiation and needing to think and not act.
GEMINI- has all the answers and is very knowledgeable with a gift of gab. What a fun, flirty and yet intellectual time you are having! You will bring both sides together. As for
CANCER- you will have a difficult time understanding why people are not “getting” you. The reason is they are not emotional about anything, its about the facts and only the facts. If you’re feeling out of sorts its best you decipher those feeling, use the ‘gut feeling’ to navigate your choices.
LEO- is on TOP of the World, their World! Your the leader of a train of thought that brings many to a higher purpose. You able to maintain the big picture because you now have the people in place to micro lead the cause/project.
VIRGO- you are feeling a lot less pressure and are back in the game as they have done their due diligence in the past 2 months. Your integrity and honor will now manifest into something bigger then you had ever imagined.
LIBRA- you are guiding many, many energies to collaborate. You are the ultimate peace keeper and yes reverend as a leader! This is a new role and you are enjoying the power it gives you.
SCORPIO- you may have to step behind the scenes, with this back stage pass you can now use your creativity to get what you want, actually to lure others into giving you what you want, with a chance of misusing this power.
SAGITTARIUS- is alive with a fire they have never experienced before. Business vs. Friendship is the focus and you are the leader to those around you. Your words are well received as you speak of what you know, and others listen and learn. Keep in mind that tacked and diplomacy will be needed. As for

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