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New Moon in Cancer: Make time for some Self-Lovin’

New Moon in Cancer: Make time for some Self-Lovin’

by Cindy Morris

You might think that a New Moon should occur at the beginning of a sign. I mean here we are kissing the whiskers of Leo and we ‘re having a New Moon in Cancer?  A New Moon means that both the Moon and the Sun are at the same degree of the same sign.  A Full Moon occurs when the Moon is opposite the Sun, same degree as one another but opposite signs.

We had that New Moon eclipse at zero degrees Gemini on June 20th and then we had a Full Moon in Capricorn (Sun in Cancer) on July 3rd and now we have the NEW Moon in Cancer on the 18th and 19th of July at 26 degrees Cancer, just 4 degrees away from the beginning of Leo. Ah, it’s a wondrous Universe, is it not? It is! and YOU are a player in this Universe, a divine spark pulse in the huge beating force of LIFE. Don’t forget that. Ever.

If you have planets or significant points in chart within 5 degrees of 26 degrees Cancer, Capricorn, Libra, or Aries this New MOON will trigger you, probably in a way that stimulates and encourages new growth. New Moons are INTENTION-setting times. NEW MOON in Cancer asks you to set INTENTION for nurturing – SELF first, then others.  That’s right, you heard me – YOU first, then everybody else.

It’s such a lush and sensual time of year here in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s a time of tending. Maybe you’re caring for plants and growing things. Or maybe you’re feeding your brain with good, enjoyable reading. Maybe you’re just lazin’ around staring into space (highly recommended) or walking dogs, or watching kids frolic. Hopefully you’re making time to frolic, enjoying the long days not having to bundle up in layers of clothing. Maybe you’re gathering and visiting with friends and family or maybe you’re communing with Nature spirits (also highly recommended) and spending sacred alone time.

Whatever you’re doing make the INTENTION to nurture and care for yourself. From this ALL GOOD THINGS are born.

Excellent crystal for the Cancer NEW MOON: MOONSTONE! Place on your heart, right over your lungs. Cancer rules the lungs. There’s LOTS going on in the cosmos that can potentially rock your boat to an uncomfortable level. My suggestion is to have an excellent bailing pail, which is only, and ever, your personal connection to your higher guidance, your connection to Source energy, of which you are the human, experiential extension.

Dynamic, aggressive MARS is exactly opposing Uranus and squaring Pluto and if that’s not a bar fight waiting to happen, I don’t know what is – the bar scene from Star Wars, of course. All I can say about this is to watch what you say and how you say it, while not taking anything seriously that anyone else says or does to you. Good luck with that.

If you are paying attention you will have profound insights into what you truly desire and what your true intentions are about what you desire. It’s a time when all the cards are being thrown up in the air and only YOU get to decide how to put them back together. It is imperative that you be willing to take FULL responsibility for every part of your experience. Up for that? I guess you better start giving that some thought and attention. Indeed!

Stay flexible, eager to flow with changes,open to trying new things that might be out your comfort zone but ultimately could lead you into more placid waters.

See Also

TOP PRIORITY: Managing doubt, fear, anxiety, “what ifs”, and generic stress.

HOW?  Meditate daily. Learn to manage your psychic boundaries. Learn to ground and center yourself. If you needed to learn how to bake a souffle you would learn how to do it, correct?

You need to manage yourself in these amazing times of transformation and change and if you do not know how to do it, then get instruction and practice, practice, practice.
Simple as that.

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