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Freedom: An Inside Job

Freedom: An Inside Job

By Christine Horner

True Story:  A woman walks out from an appointment to discover she has a flat tire.  She could have called roadside service, but it would take one to two hours to reach her and she doesn’t want to wait-she’s in another suburb far from home.  Instead, the woman decides to just see what happens.

The woman, in a white skirt with heels, slowly gets out the spare tire, the jack… with no expectations or even thoughts of what’s going to happen next, despite the 93 degree heat on hot pavement.

Out of seemingly nowhere, no less than the CEO/Owner of Grismer Tire (huge chain) appears, “Ma’am, do you need some help?”

Jackpot!  He places a call to the closest store to send over a truck to get her vehicle to the store up the street.

A short while later in the store, the manager advises she’ll need a new tire, “…there’s been a puncture to the sidewall which can’t be patched.”

The woman smiles, “Don’t you have a used one lying around I can have?”

She receives a free used tire and the store waives all mounting fees!

TRUE FREEDOM really is free

Perhaps you’ve been beginning to notice you are expanding beyond all seeming “rules” of the 3D world as you let go of the limitations found in culture and conditioning.  The next stage of human evolution-as BEing is already this-is consciously working together cooperatively to create a gift economy where all joyfully contribute toward literally creating Heaven on Earth; a monetary system being a mark of a primitive society and foundation for creating enslavement and exploitation when misused.

Next, we explore the fear of asking for assistance.  We’ve been incorrectly taught that asking is a sign of weakness, when as WE ARE ONE, it is within perfect alignment of the harmony and balance of the Universe.  It is POWER at your fingertips.  The tire story was not a one-way exchange, but was a balanced transaction in that the store had a tire and service they needed to give away, thus appeared the woman to give it to.  This was understood and visible not only on the physical but on the metaphysical levels.

In Brazilian author Paulo Coelho’s book Aleph, (author of The Alchemist), Paulo, amidst a spiritual crisis, is traveling in a Trans-Siberian train across Russia on a book tour accompanied by his spiritual mentor.  As they walk the streets of a Russian city, Paulo remarks to his mentor of the magnificent beauty all around him.  His mentor hands him a cup, inviting him to to stand on a street corner and beg, “Come, give back to the city you love so much.  It wishes to give.” *


Seldom do we recognize to give is to receive and to receive is the giving of Self to Self; the Circle of Life.  It is the lack of understanding of the larger picture that we become fearful and withhold either giving or receiving and sometimes both!

See Also

Imagine if I hadn’t been afraid to ask for four new tires for free with that same smile on my face.  As energy is never destroyed but merely changes form, I intellectually understand no one would have suffered a loss by providing those tires.  Yet, my culture and conditioning held back the request as I watched myself let the opportunity go by.  Still, I joyfully received the used tire and service they offered for free.  (I did send out thank you cards to all involved.)

The Universe has demonstrated time and time again there is plenty to go around and that it operates “free-ly”.  This week alone, I received a tire/service, a used laptop is on its way, a one-hour deep tissue massage, a couple of breakfasts and a friend offered the use of her pool anytime I’d like-all for free!


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Christine Horner is the founder of What Would Love Do Int’l and publisher at in the garden Publishing.  This article may be reprinted with full attribution only.

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