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Once In A Blue Moon… Are You Ready?

Once In A Blue Moon… Are You Ready?

Full Moon names date back to Native Americans, of what is now the northern and eastern United States. The tribes kept track of the seasons by giving distinctive names to each recurring full Moon. Their names were applied to the entire month in which each occurred. There was some variation in the Moon names, but in general, the same ones were current throughout the Algonquin tribes from New England to Lake Superior. European settlers followed that custom and created some of their own names. Since the lunar month is only 29 days long on the average, the full Moon dates shift from year to year.

The Hindu, Thai, Hebrew, Islamic, Tibetan, Mayan, Neo-pagan, Germanic, Celtic, and the traditional Chinese calendars are all based on the phases of the Moon. None of these calendars, however, begins its months with the full moon. In the Chinese, Jewish, Thai and some Hindu calendars, the full moon always occurs in the middle of a month.

Full Blue Moon: August 31, 2012

The term “Blue Moon” seems to have been attached to a familiar and common event in only the last 30 years. It does not even involve the color blue. When we can view a full moon two times in one calendar month, this is referred to as a “blue moon.” Some individuals claim that the second calendar Full Moon was based on the phrase “once in a blue moon.” Yet, in truth, that seems strange since the “two full moons” in a calendar month happens about once every 2.5 years.

Metaphysically, the Blue Moon represents our rare opportunity to fully express ourselves through communication and clarity of expression. The symbolic blue energy represents our Throat Chakra. Use this rare occasion to open up, relay your inner thoughts and creativiy. What are you yearning to express? What’s the motivation behind your communication? What kind of signals are you sending? Utilize this blue-moon-moment in time to contemplate your spoken and unspoken articulations. Bring about change and move forward.

Change is inevitable. 

Our lives are made up of the building blocks of change. Change creates the person we must grow to be. Change happens for a reason. That reason is to allow us possibilities we may not have seen in the first place. This can be traumatic or it can be less so.

The single most important point you can make about change is that in most cases it’s not what faces you that’s the problem, it’s how you react to it.

How you react is determined by how you perceive a particular change. The Chinese word for crisis is “weiji”. Two characters that separately mean danger and opportunity. Every problem we encounter in life can be viewed that way. It is a chance to show that we can handle it. Changing the way you think, can change a life of stress and discomfort to a life of challenge and excitement.

Change shows itself in many forms. The move to a different career, by choice or not, the loss of a loved one, the loss of a relationship, the move to a new home or simply the change in the weather and how we feel.

It is important to embrace the transition!. Struggling, kicking and screaming and dragging your heals will only prolong trying to control the uncontrollable. Learn to recognize strengths you may have overlooked. Embrace optimism and reform your old belief system. Honor the new you, which you are transforming into.

Crystal Associations with the Moon

Embracing the energies of the moon can be a great tool when you are doing any kind of empowerment work. The moon has a powerful relationship to our lives. The moon’s influence can be seen by its connection to the Earth’s tides. There is a connection to the moon and the intuitive aspect of one’s nature. The phases of the moon relate to seasons, color, menstrual cycles, life cycles and along with the sun, the moon’s energy is a higher conductor and amplifier of our moods and emotions.

Dumortierite: Properties: This is a precious blue stone (great for the blue moon) which promotes self discipline, tidiness, courage, trust, accomplishments, harmony, positive attitude, patience and tolerance. It highly reduces disorganization, scattered thinking and distractions.

In addition, other stones to represent a blue moon can include: celestite, blue agate, blue calcite, blue chelcedony, sodalite, lapis and turquoise.

Meteorite:  Properties: are usually solid, dull, mottled, brownish to black. Non-iron varieties amplify thoughts/telepathic sending/receiving, greater awareness, some connection to extraterrestrial life. Odd/unusual energy, best used by those drawn to them. Some believe that since Meteorites are in tune with the energies of the cosmos and therefore more capable of raising our energies to a universal level. Others believe that that since they have no connection to Earth. Perhaps a reasonable way to approach this stone is to try and tune into its energy on an intuitive level and decide whether or not it would play a good role in your life. (This is a good rule for all stones or gems of the Earth as well).

Moldavite:  Properties: Variety of Tektite, but twice as rare! (fell to earth). Dull outside, deep clear green inside. Powerfully expands psychic abilities, channeling. On Heart Chakra. Eases longing to leave earth. On pillow, brow, crown: Telepathic access to spiritual laws, info from higher regions/places to help us and Earth to be healthier and more spiritual. An intense meteorite helping people incarnating from elsewhere to be more comfortable here on earth (reducing asthma, toxin sensitivity, emotional intensity, epilepsy…)(May make some too spacey; be sure to ground yourself after use and before driving). Fragile – Don’t salt cleanse! More rare, expensive and powerful than “tektite.”

Moonstone:  Properties: Feldspar (contains aluminum). Translucent with white, pink, yellow, soft sheen. Honors the Goddess in all women, Dieting, Gardening, Psychic Awareness, Meditation. Soothes stress, anxiety, women’s hormones/menstrual imbalance, lymph. Enhances intuitive sensitivity via feelings and less overwhelmed by personal feelings. Greater flexibility and flow with life. Connects 2nd and 6th Chakra and Pineal for emotional balance, gracefulness. Helps all be more comfortable with our gentler feminine/yin receiving side. Especially for water signs. Used for protection against the perils of travel. Known to be of ancient spiritual significance in their connection to the moon and the intuitive aspect of one’s nature. Helps cool, soothe, and calm over-reactions to emotional and personal situations. Makes one conscious of the fact that all things are part of a cycle of constant change. They open us up to the feminine and are associated with sensitivity, intuition, and clairvoyance. Beneficial for those involved in agriculture. Moonstone’s effect upon the menstrual cycle is powerful. At the time of the full moon or menstruation, women should be aware of their sensitive emotional nature and remove these stones. May help all parts of the lower torso, which include digestive, cleansing and reproductive organs.

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Astrology Forecast February 2024

Obsidian: Properties: Obsidian is actually natural glass that is formed when hot lava is submerged in water. This is a strong grounding stone and is known as “the protector”. It is said to “mirror one’s soul. This stone brings about objectivity, dis-attachment and is grounding. It reduces fantasy and escapism. Absorbs and dissolves anger, criticism, fear, and therefore is protective. This unusual black stone absorbs darkness and converts it to white light energy. It is a warm and friendly stone, which is used at the Root Chakra, encouraging ones survival instincts and is grounding. Black obsidian brings higher Chakra light into lower ones; cleanses and uplifts. Changes fear into flexibility with the advent of change.

Pearl:  Properties: In tune with emotions, water, and women, especially pregnant women, pearls are a symbol of pure heart and mind; innocence and faith. Because it is from the sea, it has watery and lunar elements, therefore it is used for balancing emotions, especially for water signs. Absorbing by nature, this mineral absorbs thoughts and emotions and because of this, must be used with caution. If you feel excessively negative while wearing a pearl, it will hold that energy until it is cleansed. Remember, Pearl is the result of layer upon layer of substance produced to combat irritation. Pearl can cool and soothe. It is very nurturing. Recommended for occupations as varied as artists, chiropractors, and farmers. Pearl is a cold and independent mineral, which is used, ironically at the Heart, Solar Plexus and Sacral/Spleen Chakra, to stimulate the heart, liver and emotional issues, digestion, immunity weakness and emotional stress. Pearls are mentally stabilizing, generate beautiful skin and clear toxins. Divers wear pearls for shark protection. Pearl attunes to astrological sign of Cancer and is one of the 9 sacred Vedic stones associated with the moon.

Selenite:  Properties: This is the mineral gypsum. Its white/clear striated crystaline body is a sheer source of calming, spiritual light. It works with the higher spiritual Chakra in accessing our higer consciousness, spirit guides and the angelic realm. Beacuse of its striations, like tourmaline, it works along the spinal column grounding and anchoring our Earth vibration and utilizing kundalini to rise freely up our light body stimulating each center as it vibrates. This stone is highly recommended for meditation and working on the sacred spiritual in your life. Through meditation with selenite, growth and mental focus is attainable.

Silver:  Properties: This metal is excellent for mental, emotional, and physical releasing and cleansing. Works on mind/emotions to see life’s overview, our emotional balance, and need for patience. Like the moon’s energy, silver has a gentle, cool, smoothing effect. Therefore, it reduces inflammation, fever, nervous system stress. Best with the gentler, cooler-colored gems. Works with pituitary and upper energy centers, therefore, works well on the psychic mind, unconditional love and healing. Generally, it has a cooling Yin energy. Wear this metal when you feel attracted to it. Silver works best as a communicator.

Tektite:  Properties: is a type of natural glass, chemically and structurally unique, of meteoric origin. Tektites are found on earth within a narrow equatorial belt 80 degrees wide. They have been found in Thailand, Australia, Vietnam and the Philippines. Tektites usually have a heavily pitted surface. Many have the appearance of being stretched while in a molten state. They appear black, but when held up to the light, you can sometimes see a golden tint in translucent areas around the edges. Assists one in attaining knowledge and learning lessons throughout the travels of life. Balances the feminine/masculine, provides insight, strengthens one’s energy field. Can stimulate thought transmissions.

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