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ORACLE: Perspective

ORACLE: Perspective

by Darity Wesley

The energies and directions for the month of September are corresponding to the overall, overreaching energies for this year of 2012, which are all about Discernment (Email me if you would like a copy) and requires more attention than usual to your discernment and perceptiveness.  This month of September is all about , so stay aware and alert and read on…

You may have noticed lately that you have opened and expanded your intuition such that you can really feel what others are saying or feeling, whether they are speaking the truth or omitting things or whether they are not truly expressing how they feel, you can really feel it. It is almost like being psychic, right?  This ability has really always been part of the human psyche, but now it is really coming out and your perceptiveness of that is really needed this month to discern what is really going on as the density of the third dimension breaks up more and more, actually right in front of your eyes.

I recently saw a picture in which there were two women’s photographs side by side.  One had a woman with an oxygen bottle with the hose running to her nose, she was standing in her walker, wearing a house dress her gray hair all frazzled and looking like a 100+ year old woman just waiting for death.  Next to this photo was a picture of a gray haired older woman with a bathing suit on, smiling vibrantly, looking like she had just gotten out of a pool, chest uplifted very much alive.  The caption below these two photos said, “These women are about the same age.”  The following article was titled:  “Attitude is Everything.” I was impressed because you can actually see the living and waiting for death attitudes juxtaposed in the photos.  While this is great for mainstream uplifting, it also certainly applies to those on the spiritual path because one thing becoming more known on that path is that the Law of Attraction exists. You do, indeed, get what you think about and your feelings follow that.  So while the word they used was “attitude,” I think “perception” has the larger part to play in this as we perceive the inherent joy in life versus the fear or pain.  With open perception, you can see the reality that is before you while others are still wondering what is going on.  You can also see it is causing much chaos in the world.

So, as you carry on and through this month of September, your perceptions need to be broadened even more so that it is like the peripheral vision of your ability to perceive is widened.  So many of us tend to walk with blinders on through this reality, this illusion of what we think is real and what we believe to be true, and this month of September is all about the opportunity to drop those blinders or at least open them up some so that you can understand much more of what is going on at many, many levels right in front of your eyes.  You will be able to pick this up and then discern, is this real?  Is it right, true for me? Or is it something to let pass, that is meant for someone else’s discernment, perception? The depths as well as the breadth of your perceptions are needed this month of September.  This expansion of your perception is not just to be checked out this month, the whole reason these energies are being given is so that your growth is expanded and that you actually integrate the reality of using, understanding and relying on your perceptiveness.  It is part of who you are and it is time to acknowledge it more and more.  Last month was about integrating forgiveness, this month it is integrating perception either as a new concept if you have not paid attention before or expanding it if you have.

The need to perceive – to see – deep and wide – what is really up is very important to your spiritual development and that of our planet. Whether you share it or not is of no consequence.  The importance is that you meditate on it and contemplate how you can use this wonderful gift of sight to grow and change.

The third dimensional definition of Perception (from the Latin perceptio, percipio) is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information to fabricate a mental representation through the process of transduction, which sensors in the body transform signals from the environment into encoded neural signals. (Wikipedia)  Whoa!  See, it is big…whether from a physical standpoint or a metaphysical standpoint, the idea is that our perception is both the act of and the faculty of apprehending, understanding, cognizing what is happening or what is before us by means of the senses (hearing, seeing, tasting, feeling, smelling) or of the mind (thoughts, ideas, pictures, puzzles).

In reading this Oracle you are personally directed that paying attention to expanding your perceptiveness during this month of September has as much to do with your physical world, which is changing daily, as it does with increasing your understanding and perception of the Divine to enhance your spiritual path.  This Oracle is here to alert you that a new level of deep intuitive wisdom is emerging into your consciousness and that you are being asked to suspend judgment and pay attention to the events unfolding in your life because they are meant to teach you more and more about your self and the world around you.

Your guides and spirits are letting you know that you may have outgrown your belief system and new and more wondrous perceptions are coming in to expand both your world consciousness and your God consciousness.  If you have been taught and have been thinking that God functions as a person does, you may be confused at this point in your spiritual path because you perceive that “God” would not allow certain things to happen.  How can God do that?   You have chosen this lifetime to perceive God in a different manner and now, this month of September, is the time to expand this perception on all levels within your being.  So, set aside your prior judgments and your decisions about how it all is and journey deep within for your very own perceptions, all of which will come with the opening of your desire to know it in a different way. This month of September is a month to make “Perceptiveness” your byword and reflect upon the incoming sensations and how they cause you to react and think about responding as opposed to reacting.  So many times your patterns that were formed so long ago, when you perceived life differently, more fearfully or limited, cause you to react in ways that do not correspond to the way you believe or want to react now, so it is important to perceive what is in front of you and decide consciously how to respond – to do it consciously!

And so, dear Oracle readers, energize your heart, know that being conscious of how you analyze and characterize what is before you in your life as well as moving along the path to your expansion of your God consciousness, perception, not judgment, is the key – can you do it?  Can you exercise the power over your mind to suspend judgment to actually see, hear, feel, taste and smell what is real and what is not? What means something to you?  What does not?  What you should respond to and what you do not have to respond to?  How the energy that is called God moves and changes and flows…no matter how it comes to you, it is yours.  It is yours to perceive and incorporate into the True, Authentic you. In this state, you will see to the depths and receive the immutable truths of life. These acts of perceptiveness and integration of those perceptions that you accomplish this month will truly ground you further in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time no matter  what so remember…all you need is love…it will propel you into more and more into the expansion of your ability to perceive beyond the illusion – through the mists!

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Let your mantra for the month of September be:  I AM living in the light of more conscious perceptions in my world without any fear…And So It Is!!!

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Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her or subscribe to The Daily Oracle (put subscribe in subject line) at

You can follow Darity on Twitter @SpiritReviver or to learn more visit her Bio Page here on OM Times Magazine.

© 2012 Darity Wesley All Rights Reserved.

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