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Create your Happy Ever After!

Create your Happy Ever After!

By Annalisa Corti

Are you feeling overwhelmed by life? 

Unhappy in your relationship? 

Unrecognized at work?  

Do you just want to change it all and finally live happily ever after?  

Yes?  Wonderful!  

The first thing you should know is that you created every single circumstance in your life, thus you are the only one responsible for its unfolding.  The second thing – if you are still reading – is that it is all happening for your highest good and you can turn it all around.  All that is required are thoughts, words, and actions.  It is that simple.  What you think, say and do translates into reality.  Each tool vibrates at a different energy level dancing with the universe to move to you or away from you a certain experience.

It begs the question… Do you know how to dance with the Universe?  It is rather simple conceptually, though it may require serious dedication when we implement the tools.  Let’s just say that you are worried about not having enough money.  As long as you focus on worrying about the lack of money, you will continue experience just that: scarcity, shortage, insufficiency.  On the other hand, if you start telling yourself: “I am abundant, I am abundant, I AM ABUNDANT!” the vibrations you exude will be matched by coincidences, opportunities, ideas, inspirations, people, events that will come to you to help you experience what you have focused upon: ABUNDANCE!  Stretching our example further, this may not mean that you will become a millionaire within a week, then again if the highest good for your soul is to absolute material wealth, this will come forth to you.  The underlying but fundamental detail about creation is that it is closely intertwined with your soul path: what you decided to experience prior to coming back down to earth for another amazing adventure.  The only glitch is that most people forget their Divine missions feeling they are trapped in a miserable existence, rather than seeing what it is enabling them to experience and how it is helping them grow closer to who they really are.

Well, who am I?  You could rightly ask.  So many masters and teachers have explained this more eloquently than I ever could.  In a nutshell, we are spiritual beings trapped in a limiting human body and mind.  In order to experience our Divinity we have forgotten it.  For how can you be in awe of something you already are if that is all that you are and all that you know?  It makes much more sense to temporarily forget, taste a bit of the opposite of Divine (i.e. life on earth) in order to evolve into the Divine.  The short story The Little Soul and the Sun explains this beautifully.  In order to master the tools of creation you must embark on the most wondrous adventure of your life.  You will not need an airplane or a car or a lot of money to enjoy this adventure.  All you will need is the desire to remember who you are and the discipline to go within every time the world will tempt you to go with-out.

The breath is the highway to your soul.  Physical disciplines such as Yoga, Qi Qong, Tai Chi, anchored in ancient traditions and supported by profound philosophies, can teach you the enchanting songs of the breath.  Silence is the language of your soul.  Meditative practices such as Mindfulness, Zen, Buddhist, and others, can teach you stillness, emptiness, and the soothing beauty of inner and outer silence.  Repetition will translate concepts into reality.  Anchoring yourself in the truth of universal laws and in your inner Divinity will fill you with courage and faith.

See Also

Focus on the only reality you want to live and each day think it, speak it, act as if it is already real.  Translating this into practical practice:

  • Each day find time to be quiet with yourself and focus on your breath.
  • Attain clarity about what you want changed in your life, for example: professional growth.
  • Attain greater clarity about what kind of professional growth you desire: promotion, greater salary, more prestige, more popularity, which company is good for you, what type of bosses or colleagues.  Map it all out.  Feel the details in your body and mind as well as in your breath.
  • Once you are clear about the goal, stay with it, walk with it, and breathe it every single moment of every single day.  Events that may seem to go against that are in fact blessings that are stirring you towards the path for your highest evolution and growth.
  • Ensure that you think, speak and act, in alignment with your desired reality.
  • Apply these simple guidelines to as many different facets of your life as you need.  The important thing is to be profoundly clear about Who You Are and Who You Want to Be in the remainder of your days on earth.

The deeper you dive into your inner Divinity the easier it will be to create experiences that are joyful and enriching.  The more constant you are with practicing stillness and affirmations the faster you will see changes in your life.  Within lies the key to all mysteries.  Stop all outer distractions and find out Who You Are today!

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 Annalisa lives in Florence, Italy, is a licensed Naturopath and Spiritual Counselor.  She is trained in TCM, Spagyric Medicine, Psychosomatic Diagnosis, Mindfulness Meditation, and Reiki.  She is writing her first book on applied spirituality and enjoys writing articles for the heart and soul. Connect with her on

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