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Soul Mates: The Myth That Hollywood Sold Us

Soul Mates: The Myth That Hollywood Sold Us


Soul Mates – Myth vs. Reality

By Chanel Williams

There has been much talk about Soul Mates and Twin Flames and, if I am honest, I have found the definitions confusing. In many cases I find one person’s definition contradicts somebody else’s.

Let’s take the term Soul Mate.   The Hollywood movies would have us believe that finding our Soul Mate is the be all and end all in love.  That happily ever after fairy tale ending. However, those of us who have had a Soul Mate relationship, especially a romantic one, know how volatile they can be. Definitely, NOT the stuff that fairy tales are made of.

A Soul Mate can be a friend, family member or lover. We have met them in a past life where you both could have assumed different roles, possibly even a different gender. You would have a made a pact with that person to come together again, in the next life term in order to resolves issues and learn lessons. This kind of relationship is not designed to last forever or go the distance. I’m not saying it can’t but that’s not the purpose. With this in mind, I prefer the term Soul Walker when referring to Soul Mates.


Soul Walker rather than Soul Mate

It’s a term I heard a psychic use recently and it’s one that, for me, encapsulates what a Soul Mate / Soul Walker really is.

A Soul Walker will hold your hand through part of your journey. Your initial connection with this person is immediate. You feel as though you have met before because you have, at another time in another place. However, these relationships challenge us because they are filled with challenges themselves.

In my own case he would never commit but would always come back to me. We would argue and hurt each other, yet always forgive one another. When together we felt complete. It was intense but this is the essence of a soul walker connection. Because it feels like what we think love should feel like and because the connection is so strong we believe it must be our happy ending. With this in mind we try to mould into what a real-life, stereotypical romantic relationship should look like, usually one person does this more than the other. This creates more friction and challenge. Why? Well a Soul Walker holds your hand through life and those lessons that you need to learn. Thus when you learn the lesson, you can let go of one another’s hand. It sounds so simple. It probably should be that simple. But those who have loved and left/lost your Soul Walker know that walking away can be heart-wrenching and extremely painful. Like part of you has died. In a way it has because you share a soul connection.  Is that the glossy version of Soul Mate that you have been thinking of? Probably, not.


Twin Flame or Soul Mate?

Twin Flame relationships are said to be the opposite of Soul Walker relationships. The connection is one based on pure love and light. With this in mind we find that those same challenges and power struggles experienced in a Soul Walker relationship cease to exist. I’m not saying it’s perfect and rosy all the time. After all every relationship comes with its own challenges. But the essence of this relationship is pure love. This is the relationship many of us aspire to and want to have. Some of us find it.  Sadly some of us do not.

For me this is a sad thought. To think people do not get to experience something so amazing.

It has been said that Twin Flame relationships on the Earth plane are rare. However, due to the fact that more people are seeing light and becoming spiritually aware, we are seeing an increasing number of Twin Flames coming together on the Earth plane.

With all this in mind and everything that has happened recently I began to think about attracting my Twin Flame into my life. It was even suggested that I tell the Romance Angels that this is what I want. The thing is, as I was about to do this I received guidance from my Angelic helpers.

“What you want is someone who resonates on the same/similar vibrational energy as yourself. This way they understand you, and you them. You understand each other. This is what initially happens in a soul walker energy. You come together on that same vibration. Hence, why the pull is so strong. When healing and releasing need to be done the pull brings you back together (this is when we learn our lesson). However, over time, you find that one is more enlightened than the other. The vibration changes. One is at a higher vibrational level to the other.

This is when cords can be cut, so as to release you both to complete the next stage of your journey. That is not to say that you will not be drawn together again. (Here is when I asked Why? My favorite question.) One person may come back to the other. After all, they may still have lessons to learn. By this stage rather than two coming together for mutual healing. One comes in while the other repels them. Not because the love has gone but because they are each on new journeys. The release of the old karma has taken full effect.

See Also
Emotional Blackmail

This is why we have to be careful with cord cutting. It’s not that simple. Not the easy way out. Also it doesn’t always work because we bring you together to learn lessons. You wanted to come back together so you can choose to heal and grow. (I ask Why they say choose!) We can’t force you to do it. You have free will but you will just have to come back again to learn. Attempting to cut cords willy-nilly hampers the process. This natural process.”

So what is your experience of Soul Mates /Soul Walkers? Have you made it work with yours? Have you met your Twin Flame? Please do share. Your thoughts and experience might just help someone. After all, I don’t think for one minute that I know it all. I am still very much a beautiful work of art in progress.

For some reason I thought of this song as I was thinking about whether or not to [include] a picture.  The line that came to mind is: “You hate the fact that you bought the dream and they sold you one.” – Take Care by Drake.

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About the Author

Chanel is a psychic advisor and Angelic Reiki Healer, who specialises in the areas of psychic development, love, career and business. For years, writing has been her private passion but now she is sharing this with the world, writing about anything that interests or inspires her always giving it that spiritual edge.

View Comments (12)
  • My twin flame came into my life almost a year ago. We both have tried (without actually being explicit) to be together at various points. In the stereotypical sense.. However, we both were afraid to actually voice how we actually felt in fear of being rejected. We both have struggled with acceptance for most of our lives. Hence, our strong connection. Now we both are currently attempting to move out of the city we live in to begin another part of our journey. I know that just because we have found each other, does not mean we are supposed to be together. It just may not be in alignment for us right now. I have faith that some day we will be together again. For now, a loving and kind friendship is enough. Blessings to ALL ~

  • Actually I have a question in regards to the twin flame. I read online all the different stages the twin flames goes throuch before they are united in the pure love light. My question is, is all the stages in the one lifetime or it can take several lifetime to go through all the stages before finally being united in one of those lives?

  • My soul walker came in the form of a 23 yr old man this year, shortly after I turned 34. We met on a dating site and his vulnerability astounded me. We had an intense and instant connection. He helped me detox off methadone, introduced me to music festivals which have brought an immeasurable amount of amazing- loving people into my life, inspired me to always say what’s in my heart and get back into music. He taught me about being healthy inside to be so outside. He pointed out harsh truths I couldn’t see. And he convinced me that he was nothing less than a prophet. I fell “in love” with him and he also became my best friend, but the dating didn’t last long. Things changed. And fast. He told me we could no longer date because he didn’t want to take advantage of me because he, in no way, wanted a romantic relationship with me. This was hard. Here was the epitome of Jesus Christ and I thought I was his Mary Magdalene. We would change the world! But, instead, he changed. And in the last year, I have come to realize he is a stunted, narcissistic abuser. The abuse is now so prevalent, he has even become physical. He calls me all the worst names and tries to make me feel stupid for ever believing in an “us”. My father was also a narcissist and emotional abuser. You are right. The universe does bring those people into our lives who help us with those particular lessons we’ve signed up for…mine being, be your own soul mate. He was a godsend. And taught me a lot, but our season is over; however we cannot part ways. I have to consciously, every minute, try to break connection before he kills me. It’s a work in progress, but so am I.

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