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Keeping it Real

Keeping it Real

By Channa Serenity

No matter who you are, no matter what your career choice, sometimes in life there are going to be struggles and there are going to be challenging obstacles. I full-heartedly believe that these challenges are gifts and an opportunity for growth and also to allow something better to come into your life. In yoga this is referred to as Aparigraha; letting go of the old and un-serving, and making room for the new and serving.

Recently in my life I’ve been faced with a job loss. It was a job I really didn’t like as it wasn’t aligned with my ethics and values, but it did provide a source of financial security for me. In all honestly, the last few weeks have been an emotional roller coaster for me because I’ve been giving in to the ego and to fear instead of trusting the universe and keeping my energy aligned with my goal and visions. So now that I’m aware of my actions, what am I going to do to change it?

1. Perception. Perception is a choice. I can choose to fear the worst or I can see this as an amazing opportunity to find another job that resonates better with my values and with my long term goals. I can choose to see this as a gift. I can choose to practice the yama Aparigraha. There is always something positive to focus on. What I have found as a blessing in this experience is how blessed I am to have the friendships that I do. Some of my girlfriends and my family have really showed me so much love, strength and compassion during this difficult time and that’s my silver lining, that’s where I’m going to put my thoughts. I’m grateful for them and love them so much.

2. Raise my vibrational frequency. When I’m resonating at a high frequency the law of attraction will bring more of the same into my life. To do this I’m simply following my bliss. I took a trip to the library and brought home my favorite mentors/authors books and dvds. I’m spending my time off doing things that make me genuinely happy like hikes, long cardio days at the gym, tea with my girlfriends, etc and looking for that super awesome amazing job that excites me and working on my holistic wellness practice and helping my current clients with their goals. Nothing is more fulfilling to me than helping others along their journey to fulfilling their own goals. It really helps to step outside of yourself and do good for others.

3. Apartment=Ashram. I am a spiritual being having a human experience. I have chosen every single encounter on this journey and that means everything is always in divine order. To remind myself of this, I’ve decorated my apartment with photos of my favorite and empowering goddess, mantras, crystals, essential oils, colored candles, mandalas, and tons of spiritual texts. When I come home it’s the perfect place to relax ,feel a peaceful calm and remember my true essence.

I wanted to share this with you because I want you to know that even though I am a holistic wellness coach and practice yoga and meditation daily, I too face challenges and I stumble, trip and fall sometimes and forget who I am because I get scared and I give into fear. What’s most important is how you pick yourself up.

Life experiences is our credentials to helping others. This is Earth school, what fun would it be if we never had the opportunity to grow and test ourselves. Next time you find yourself face to face with an obstacle and hear that ego spreading words of fear into your mind, I hope my 3 tips above can assist you in quickly jumping to your feet again.

Remember that everything is going to be OK! Everything is always in divine order and happiness is always a choice. Live in your true place of love. Love is real. Fear is fake!

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Channa Serenity is a Holistic Health & Lifestyle Coach. She’s dedicated her life to studying the healing arts and holds certificates in many different modalities. Her passion is to help women take control of their bodies, minds and spirits, and create balance and harmony in all aspects of their lives. She wants to empower women to make lifestyle changes necessary for their best possible health. She has special interest in bringing spiritual and energetic principles into the fitness industry, as well as helping those living with chronic dis-ease.

Channa has authored “12 weeks to Raw-some, Diva edition” and is currently working on her first children’s book. Learn more about Channa by visiting or And connect on Facebook

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