Practical Tools for Your Spiritual Journey – Part 1
By Shelly Wilson
This three-part series of articles is intended to offer you tools and guidance for your spiritual journey. These tools are straightforward, uncomplicated and therefore, easily incorporated into our daily lives. I invite you to incorporate these tools and implement them as you are guided to do so. Remember, Spirituality is a way of life rather than simply a practice.
Journal Daily Journaling daily is recommended as it will assist you in recognizing who you were, who you are and who you are becoming. Write down your thoughts, feelings and emotions as you are guided to do so throughout the day. Pay attention to bodily sensations as well. Read back through what you have written whenever you are guided to.
Keep in mind that there is no right way or wrong way to journal – only your way. You may be inclined to use my mediumship journal in Section Two as an example for your own. You may opt to keep a handwritten notebook or maintain a document on your computer or even both as I do. Do not constrain your expression by feeling obligated to write for a specific amount of time. Simply allow the words to flow. For many individuals, their blog is their journal. I can attest that journaling assisted me greatly with my awakening and opening up to Spirit. Plus, it really helped me to remember my dreams.
Meditate Take time each day to connect with YOU – your inner self – through meditation. The act of meditation takes many forms. It can be sitting quietly in reflection, listening to a guided meditation, going for a walk or spending time outdoors in nature. For some individuals, reading is a form of meditation. The intent of meditation is to just BE and listen. Allowing yourself to listen to the guidance you are receiving and to be present assists you in your transformation.
Perhaps, you may even be guided, just as I am, to pause from what you are doing, close your eyes, sit silently for a few minutes to connect, and then resume the activity. Throughout the day and even now as I am writing, I will do exactly that. I stop when I am guided to. Although it may be just for a few minutes, those minutes have an extremely powerful effect. Not only do I feel refreshed and energized, but my concentration is typically enhanced, and I am able to accomplish more in less time.
Mind, Body, Spirit as ONE We are more than a physical body. We must recognize that we are a spiritual being in a physical body having a human life experience. It is important to cultivate the Spirit, yet equally important to honor the mind and body. Therefore, I ask you to acknowledge that the mind, body, and Spirit are ONE – a unified entity. Balancing the aspects of mind, body and Spirit is an integral part of each individual’s overall well-being.
A healthy diet and exercise is necessary for your physical well-being. Fresh fruits and vegetables assist in raising your vibration. In order to be healthy, we must feel healthy. Notice how your body reacts and how you feel after eating certain foods. Eating in moderation is essential. Over-indulgence only leads to a tummy ache later. Take note of how your body feels after consuming certain foods. Walking is not a strenuous exercise, yet it does get the “heart pumping” and the blood circulating if you walk at a brisk pace.
Mental exercises such as memory games, Sudoku, crossword and word seek puzzles stimulate your brain. Assessing relationships and choosing to allow some relationships to “run their course,” so to speak, is necessary for your mental health. As you make the conscious effort to maintain healthy relationships and end unhealthy ones, you are taking control of your life. In doing so, you are contributing to your mental health.
Pay Attention Pay attention to the guidance you are receiving from your Higher Self, your angels and your guides. Sometimes, this guidance is subtle and comes in whispers and gentle nudges. When we refuse to acknowledge this guidance, it becomes louder, more persistent and may feel like the proverbial push or shove. It is important to recognize and acknowledge the guidance you are receiving and give thanks for it. You may not understand the how, when, why, or what of the guidance yet you should acknowledge it and express gratitude for receiving it.
Pay attention to the messages your body is sending you. Listen to your gut instinct, which is located in your solar plexus chakra. As you become attuned to listening to your body and what it is telling you, it will become easier to recognize the messages that originate from this area. Your physical body is a great device for gauging energy and situations. If something does not feel right, do not proceed. The guidance may be a subtle whisper or a gentle nudge. Other times, the guidance may become louder and more persistent. Recognizing and acknowledging the guidance you are receiving assists you in becoming more aware – more “in tune” with you. Also, pay attention to what I refer to as “chills” or buzzing. Whenever this occurs, I immediately verbally acknowledge these sensations because I recognize them to be validation that what I am saying is correct.
As you are guided to throughout the day, find a quiet peaceful place that you can practice listening to the guidance you are receiving. It will be easier to hear when you are not distracted by outside noise. You may choose to meditate briefly or simply be present and listen.
Avoid Miscommunication Present day communication surpasses just face-to-face contact. We can Skype, chat, talk on the phone, e-mail and text. The advances made in technology are nothing short of extraordinary. Effective communication involves communicating clearly, whether you are the sender or the receiver of the message.
Clearly speaking or conveying the message via written means is only part of communicating clearly. The other part involves being clear about what you are expressing. Be sure and say what you really mean thus avoiding any doubt for the listener or reader. Be clear when expressing what you mean. Sometimes, you have to spell-it-out rather than being vague. Having to “read between the lines” inhibits effective communication – both for the sender and the receiver.
Remember, communication involves both listening and speaking. Pay attention to the verbal and nonverbal feedback you are receiving during communication whether it is in-person, over the phone or via written word. Being an effective listener may require you to relay back to the sender what you have heard and interpreted in order to make sure that you have heard the message correctly.
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About Shelly Wilson
Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master and Spiritual Teacher Shelly Wilson would love to assist you on your spiritual journey. With respect, truth, integrity and love, Shelly honors your free will and recognizes that you are co-creating your reality with the Universe. She offers private readings, intuitive coaching, Reiki sessions, and teaches workshops. Shelly has two courses available through the DailyOM.
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