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The Vibrational Transition to Love

The Vibrational Transition to Love


Live Streaming Webinar with Three Generations of Visionary Masters in Spirit-Centered Dialogue Wednesday, December 19, 2012 6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern Time

The_Vibrational_TransitionDecember 21, 2012 has long been anticipated as a milestone in planetary evolution. Some call it the end of the world; others, the beginning. What will it be? What will you make of it?

You are invited to gather before 12-21-12 to proactively dispel the collective fear-based conclusions surrounding this event and vibrationally anchor the highest light and love at this turning point in human history.

Join Ram Dass, Alan Cohen, and Panache Desai, three highly respected contemporary spiritual guides to illuminate the event with positive potential, personal meaning, and planetary service. This rare gathering will empower you to identify with your soul and move beyond ego and limiting beliefs, and embrace love and oneness as the prevailing theme of humanity.

The LIVE, 90 minute online video stream will include a presentation by each teacher, as well as a panel Q&A and guided meditation.

For more information and to signup for the conference, visit:

See Also
SHIFT NY Julie MacDonald

About the Masters

Alan Cohen, M.A., is the author of many popular inspirational books, including the best-selling The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore and the award-winning A Deep Breath of Life. He is a contributing writer for the New York Times #1 bestselling series Chicken Soup for the Soul, and his books have been translated into 24 foreign languages. His work has been featured on and in USA Today, The Washington Post and 101 Top Experts. Alan’s radio program Get Real is broadcast weekly on Hay House Radio. Alan brings a warm blend of wisdom, intimacy, humor, and vision to the path of personal, professional, and spiritual growth and loves to extract lessons from the practical experiences of daily living.

Ram Dass, one of America’s most beloved spiritual figures, has made his mark on the world giving teachings and promoting loving service, harmonious business practices, and conscious care for the dying. His spirit has been a guiding light for four generations, carrying millions along on the journey, helping free them from their bonds as he has worked his way through his own. His book Be Here Now has become an inspirational classic, lifting readers to discover the presence of love in and around them. He masterfully integrates the spiritual path with worldly endeavors, finding wisdom and beauty everywhere. He makes his home in Maui.

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