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Building Intuition Using Oracle Cards

Building Intuition Using Oracle Cards

By Shelly Wilson

As a Spiritual Teacher, I feel that it is appropriate to offer practical tools along with insight when providing guidance. Much like a daily or monthly horoscope, the intent of this general monthly reading is to provide messages to uplift your Spirit as well as offer encouragement to enable you to heal, grow and empower yourself. Divination tools are used to assist with this process.

Since we each have freewill, practicing discernment and acknowledging what feels right to you is essential. If the message does not resonate with you, please practice discernment and choose not to accept it for yourself. In other words, accept what resonates and discard the rest. Do not feel like it has to be all or nothing. I encourage you to go within to interpret the meaning of the messages for you specifically.

Angel Messages to Uplift I personally use Doreen Virtue’s Healing with the Angels oracle cards and have selected four cards from this deck for the month. These cards have an image as well as one or two words.

Serenity Shelly’s insightful interpretation ~ The angels are acknowledging serenity. Be mindful of your inhalations and exhalations and feel the peace that you have within. This feeling of serenity is within you. Take mindful breathing breaks whenever you are guided to do so. These breaks will alleviate stress and re-energize you.

Body Care Shelly’s insightful interpretation ~ The angels are acknowledging the importance of body care. As a spiritual being having a human experience, recognize that your physical body is as important as your mental/emotional and spiritual body. You are mind, body and Spirit. Be mindful of your dietary intake and exercise regularly. Divine Guidance Shelly’s insightful interpretation ~ The angels are acknowledging divine guidance. Pay attention to those thoughts and ideas that come into your mind. At times, they may seem quite random. Acknowledge this guidance, express your gratitude for receiving it and then choose to take action if you are guided to do so. Recognize that you may not know the how, when, why, what or where of the guidance. I encourage you to simply acknowledge that you have received it.

Emerging Shelly’s insightful interpretation ~ The angels are acknowledging your emerging self. Keep going for you are truly growing. You are not the same person today that you were yesterday nor will you be the same person tomorrow that you are today. You are evolving and changing. Recognize that growth may not always be forward movement. Sometimes, this growth is a step back or to the side.

Messages to Uplift Using Psycards Based on Carl Jung’s psychology, these cards have an image as well as one or two words. I prefer to pull three cards at a time for a message.

The puzzle – choices Destruction – chaos Fortune – success Shelly’s insightful interpretation ~ You have freewill and the power to choose and make choices. Sometimes the chaos has to come in to clear out the clutter so to speak. Allow it to happen rather than be fearful of it. Know that success is ultimately ensured.

The wheel – change Work – change Union – relationships Shelly’s insightful interpretation ~ Change is here! Take time to assess the relationship you have with yourself and with others. Choose to cultivate and nurture the healthy relationships. Learn to establish boundaries for yourself.

Peace – tranquility The cave – aloneness Now – present time Shelly’s insightful interpretation ~ Sometimes, it is necessary to seek the solitude of the cave. Taking time for you is not being selfish. Embrace the tranquility. Now is the time to do so.

The scales – balance The puzzle – choices Peace – tranquility Shelly’s insightful interpretation ~ Balance is essential in all areas of your life. Take time for you just as you would take time for others. Know that you are deserving of the choices you make. Peace and tranquility is ensured when you do.

As you awaken to the truth of who you are – embrace all that you were, all that you are, and all that you will become for all is truly well. May you be blessed exponentially today and every day!

See Also

Tips for Working with Oracle Cards Yourself In addition to offering insight for the month, I would like to encourage you to begin working with oracle cards if you are guided to do so as well. You will be drawn to the images, words or energy of the deck and will undoubtedly know which one feels right to you. No one instructed me on which deck to select or even how to use the cards. I listened to my inner knowingness and dove right in.  The cards in my favorite decks have an image and one or two words. I use these words as a prompt or cue to receive the message. Although each deck has a booklet enclosed with detailed meanings for each of the cards, I choose to follow my intuition rather than refer to the booklet. In the beginning, I encourage you to reference the booklet as it will assist you in connecting to the cards.

In addition, I typically forgo any type of card spread. I simply shuffle the deck, listen to how many cards I should pull, turn them over and begin reading. Whenever a card jumps out or falls out while shuffling, I pay extra attention to the message as the angels wanted to make sure that it was received as well. There is no right way or wrong way when working with oracle cards. They are simply divination tools and offer a tangible object for you to work with. When choosing a deck and receiving a message, discern what feels right to you and follow your own intuition.

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About Shelly Wilson ~
Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master and Spiritual Teacher Shelly Wilson would love to assist you on your spiritual journey. With respect, truth, integrity and love, Shelly honors your free will and recognizes that you are co-creating your reality with the Universe.  She offers private readings, intuitive coaching, Reiki sessions, and teaches workshops. Shelly has two courses available through the DailyOM.

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