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Plant a Healing Garden for Better Health

Plant a Healing Garden for Better Health

It’s time for a change, time to live connected to Mother Earth… thus feeling in control of your life and food supply.

How can you do that?

Plant a healing garden!

In just about any size space you can plant a healing garden. Gardens no bigger than your front yard or your patio can heal the world. Small gardens can be 6 feet by10 feet or even smaller and give back lots of healthy food and herbs that will help you and your neighbors stay healthy.

In this day and age planting small concentrated gardens that use less space is important, at the same time they are healing communities. Maybe you have an empty lot down the street that needs attention, get permission to plant a community garden with friends… it will heal your community one plant at a time.

Go vertical, grow hanging plants and climbers like peas and beans that grow up fences… thus you have more space. Grapes, kiwis, golgi fruit, and passion fruit vines and other climbers will give you lots of wonderful herbs and fruits.

Also container gardening can be done anywhere, even in your house, garden, patio, around the pool, any where you have space. Use containers for planting lots of veggies, fruits, melons, cucumbers, potatoes, yams, and just about anything you can imagine. Also lots of herb can be grown in containers, harvested, and dried to maintain your health and vitality.

You can even plant trees in containers, because their roots are restricted they will stay small, or buy dwarf trees and they will be loaded with fruit and nuts. Also some trees can be cut back, growing back over and over again thus bring you the bounty of the earth. Moringa Trees which is really not a tree at all but a plant, can be chopped off if it gets too tall, it grows back again, also neem trees can be chopped off… and will grow back.

If your soil is not great build some raised beds using planting soil and sand to create a perfect place for food and herbs. Put together a few 12 inch wide boards into squares or rectangles… fill them with soil and you are ready to plant, all you need is a little light. And if you don’t have light put grow lights over your containers… and your plants will grow like crazy.

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No room at all… then start sprouting. All you needs is a jar with a lid with a few holes punched in it… and in 2 to 3 days you will have great healthy food.

There are hundreds of videos on the internet on how to create a small sustainable gardens. Gardens that will connect you to Mother Earth, thus provide you and your friends with hours of healthy living outside in nature.

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Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist, Counselor, and Spiritual Advisor for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Center for Creative Living Church, Meditation for the Soul, and Relax Into Success, plus Punjab Teas. , , ,

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