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2013 Think Magnificently: It’s Your Birthright!

2013 Think Magnificently: It’s Your Birthright!


By: Nancy L. Oakes

2012 was a year of revelations, ancient fulfilled prophecies, reconnecting to nature and many light workers preparing for the ascension. It will go down in history as a year of tremendous anticipation for change on our little blue planet. Indigenous peoples, shamans, and “way showers” led the people of Earth into the new “Golden Age” with books, lectures and seminars.

World wide, and never before in unity we witnessed  an out pouring of love and hope for healing of our Mother Earth with “Oneness” becoming the theme. It happened just as planned as the sacred prophecies were foretold with great celebration. The Light, the “Sacred Feminine” returned to our planet as promised.  We discovered ourselves, and reconnected to the “Sacred Source of Creation.”

While things may have not changed for some, everything changed for others.  Earth and humanity will never be the same.  Don’t be surprised if you hear people making varied remarks about the “shift”, some missed the shift all together; however we are all at different levels of understanding.  This is actually appropriate, a well designed plan by the Creator.  It is going to take years to do the sacred work of rebuilding our communities, saving our planet from destruction and learning to recognize our true lineage to the Creator.  Amid the chaos, the dissolving, and choking of the Old World systems, The “New World” and the “Fifth World” arrived.  It is here, it really depends on what you were looking for, and what your assignment is. We are babies in a brand new world who have inherited all the gifts and talents to make a difference for the next generation.

The Cherokee call this new era a beginning of 1,000 years of “Peace.”  Peace is a gift from the Creator. Peace radiates love and understanding; another feminine energy. War has no feminine energy, no light, it is only evil and dark. The people of earth have been deceived for centuries by the warmongers, those of power and authority, the patriarchal “Evil Ones.” The year 2012 will forever be known as the “Great Awakening.” Millions of people have awakened and are following the brilliant golden light into the new era. Excited about being here at this time and even more excited to play apart in the “New World” the “Light-Hearted” are ready to serve the new earth and humanity with love. Spiritually connected to the Supreme Creator using their spiritual gifts and talents, the new leaders will reveal themselves to us. How will we recognize them? Within you is a spiritual gift rekindled for your protection and guidance, called “Discernment.”

A Spiritual Gift-DISCERNMENT How many times have you heard someone say, “I had a feeling?” This energy is usually referred to as woman’s or mother’s intuition, because it is feminine power energy.  The gift of discernment has always been with us encoded in our hearts, with immense capabilities. The separation from what is natural, caused humanity to become less aware of the “power of discernment.”

Your heart will alert you to negative energy immediately. This new light energy vibrates above negative. Negativity filled your old body with fear, doubt, and separation. With your heart in charge instead of your thoughts (mind) you will receive the correct information to handle any situation. Your mind can make up stories and lead you into  negative reaction. The heart and soul can only operate from love, peace and harmony, guided by a spiritual connection. Great information for anyone who really wants to live a more harmonious life with true essence and joy. Let the light lead you, God within.

Negative is a dark energy the opposite of light energy. Many things carry dark energy not just people. Our new thought process operates around feelings. For some men this is a totally new concept. Be prepared to accept the feminine energy, it will promote spiritual maturity and sacred balance. Your feelings will be present and guide you to the light. Reaching out with your feelings is a good practice, literally it means expanding your energy field.

Opportunities await for you to practice and master the new energy of discernment: 

1. Accepting the gift, a remembrance will activate the energy immediately. (Your knowing)

2. Be aware of your new energy and the power you now have.  (Your Manifestation)

3. The feminine power energy is appropriate for all people. (Your Transition)

4. This energy is within your heart and soul, guiding your new thought system. (Your Evolution)

The Ascension Those who were prepared for the ascension realized it. The ascension was never an event to take you somewhere off the planet. The ascension is a higher consciousness within yourself. God within you activating your “Soul Power.”  The connection with soul, heart and thought clears the mind chattering and manipulation, and allows the arrival of the new light body.  Thoughts are now partnered with the heart and soul, not in control of the new body. The gifts you received from the new feminine energy assist in bringing the ego mind into balance; therefore taking its proper place in your new body.  Your thoughts were never meant to control your reality, which can lead to many an unbalanced situation.  The heart and soul is where the gifts of love, peace, and harmony reside.  We will receive great and wonderful gifts of healing after being freed from mind control. Jesus said, “You will do all this, and more.”

Separated and unconnected from our sacred power caused us to be unaware of our gifts and talents. Many masters including, Jesus and Buddha left messages, instructing us how to ascend into a higher vibration.

See Also

Our New Body Our body is sacred energy, the Creator called these energies “Gifts.” Why did the Creator call these powers “Gifts?” A gift is free, an offering, given without an expectation of payment, a talent or superior ability.  These energies are   embedded in our hearts when were born, given to us by the Creator to enlighten, protect and guide us.    This is the breath of God, given to us with our gifts of “All Knowledge.” The Great Mother of Creation imagined us into existence from her own heart with omnipotence and magnificence, however she also knew she would not always abide on earth with her creation. Her creation would have to go forth without her presence as a free will entity, therefore she placed in our hearts and soul her magnanimous DNA.  Omnisciently, and with forethought her plan was to never leave us without  power and knowledge. This is our finest moment as we begin to remember who we are.

You are a new body born in the “Fifth World.” Tune into the new light and frequencies, familiarize yourself with your new thought system. The elders teach us we have just completed a cycle of time. The last 26,000 years was a time of thought-created power. We are now reborn with a new body activating  heart, and soul-created power.

You are here on this planet by choice, this is your assignment. When the new light energy came it ushered into our world a new vibration. Deep within our hearts an awakening stirred, a quickening, an evolution of consciousness. Accepting our new light body is the ascension.

Catapulted into the “Golden Age” led by the feminine energy, it’s a new path, one that humanity has not walked before.  Unlike those controlled and abused by the “Evil Ones” of the last patriarchal era our new body is connected to Source, fully aware of its powers, and free to live in abundance and peace.   This body knows it it’s a spiritual being awakened to all possibilities.

Claim the change and expect the difference!  Now that the new energy is here, are we finished? Not at all, we have just begun. Together we will build thriving communities. No longer will humanity stumble in the dark, regretful of the past, unsure of what tomorrow holds. That is the old paradigm.  Today we will live in gratitude for all creation, today we will be unified and today we will claim our birthright. What is that birthright? Any thing your heart and soul desires!  When balanced spiritually, and connected to Source only good and wonderful comes from the heart and soul.
Next month we will discuss Bliss. Did you know this is a gift from the Creator?

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Nancy Oakes is the Founder of Spiritual Life Style Center and author of The Medicine Wheel, Led By Our Ancestors. Learn more about Nancy by visiting:

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