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Oracle: Humility February 2013

Oracle: Humility February 2013

By Darity Wesley

Humility –    The energies and directions for the month of February are evolving around the exercise and integration of humility. Both the words “humble” or “humility” have lots of charge on them because of the connotations that have been provided for so many thousands of years.  For our purposes here, now is the time to understand that humility, which is the other side, the opposite characteristic, of self-confidence is appropriate to be exercised concurrent with the expression of your self-confidence.  Your self-confidence could spring from your humility.

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In ancient times, in the old world’s energy, people who were “humble” or exhibited any form of “humility” were generally looked down upon by others from their perspective of superiority, domination, greed, competition, might over right, the bases of the old world’s energy.  The Catholic dictionary describes humility as lowliness or submissiveness, as in humble birth, humble beginnings – not worth much, poor.  Religions have for years described humility as “a virtue by which man knowing himself as he truly is (no good, a sinner), abases himself.”  That, indeed, supports the old energy position that man, probably all humans really, are nothing but animals.  It was about knowing your place, not reaching out or up to things above one. It was about submitting to one’s superior. Humility was seldom neutral but has also been described as lacking self-confidence or being timid, having a low opinion of oneself.

In the New World’s energy, there is a new perspective on  humility and it is now an important part of your spiritual life for contemplation and integration.  It is an important part of your spiritual practice because humility now takes on the quality or condition of being modest and respectful and is connected with notions of egolessness.  Egolessness is generally described as a feeling of Oneness, of being inextricably woven to the fabric of one’s surroundings or environment. Unity consciousness. Selflessness is similar.  The closest antonym to egolessness is egotism, a heightened sense of self worth or one’s own importance.  Spiritual Egotism is a relatively new phenomenon and is generally that of feeling superior because of your belief system or because you may know more than your neighbor, a detriment to what the new energy of love, compassion, support and understanding brings to others.

Now is the time to move into a new definition of humility and apply it in your life this month as your spiritual practice, remembering it is the other side of self-confidence, modesty.  Know that humility is multi-dimensional and includes self-understanding, awareness, openness and perspective…leading to charisma.  Exercising humility in the New World’s reality brings an effectiveness to your life you may never have experienced before.

So, this month of February is a month to not only contemplate how you were conditioned to understand humility and update that concept but to then explore this new concept of humility for yourself.  Having gone deeper in January, you can now understand humility and take it to a deeper level and expand it into your own heart’s knowingness.  You can integrate the consciousness that humility and self-confidence really go together, can be expressed at the same time and really are a part of your new life, your new story. As you move along the path to your new life, not looking back and knowing full well you are on your way to developing and being and accepting and taking every opportunity to expand, deepen and express your true authentic self, to be a True One, use February to feel your humility as part of personal spiritual development.

As always, this Oracle’s guidance is here for the expansion of your Spirit to support the fulfillment of your purpose…which is what you came here to do and why you chose to be on the planet at this time. So remember, by focusing on integrating and understanding the synchronicity of feeling both humble and confident either at the same time or as appropriate to your environment, Spirit will deepen your spiritual experience each and every step of the way and you will find yourself truly grounded in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time no matter what and remember…LOVE is all you need…it will propel you more and more into the expansion of who you really are!

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addiction to approval

Let your mantra for the month of February be:  I AM a sovereign being as is every living thing, none better than the other, all being and doing what they be and do – I AM humbled by it all and confident in that humility…And So It Is!!!

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Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter.  @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. To learn more about Darity see her Bio page here on OM-Times Magazine If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2012-2013 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved.

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