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Out of Nothingness

Out of Nothingness

By Mina Vintila

A child fearing the dark is a symbol of us fearing ourselves.

The age of darkness seems to plague all humanity, whether it is engaging in it, or trying to make peace with it…But amidst it one must see a questions that  is pervasive, imminent, one of origins. The questions of this darkness is just an obsession with fear and a separation from nature. What is sacred? Where does the path lead?

Like a lost child without direction, one must first wander to the edges of consciousness. And if one is lucky, a great teacher that empowers comes along that path. This teacher is not separate, nor do they offer any new information. This teacher is also never accidental in one’s infantile path to enlightenment. The child soul is on a journey, but before one can even encompass what this journey leads to, we must realize: what is sacred, but everything? The music, the vibration which stands as the overarching Universe, of all there exists, is sacred. This includes everything, everywhere, and every time. The Universe knows this intrinsically. When it looks at itself, it looks in wonder because its pieces forgot. Its pieces are also ourselves, with the existential dilemmas, the endless questions we seek knowingly, or not. In the space of all there is, we can’t exist without imagination. Imagination is the mind’s expansion tool, it is what we continuously create from the river of light . In this extension, the corners of our being are not in sight, but when one closes their eyes, it is impossible to imagine nothingness. When I imagine complete darkness, I cannot sustain it without my presence being part of it. I, as the imagine(r), am also the creator. In this sea of darkness, finding myself there, is finding my divine Self. In that darkness, I can choose to build castles, mountains, the world I wish to envision and dwell in. This self is all powerful, for it IS the ultimate container of this darkness, AND the force that externalizes the beauty of all that exists in it and out of it. For this reason, all that we have in our waking life is in essence, a result of us. It is a continual play between the pieces that arise out of us. This river is endless, and is the sacred river of all creation, and the sacred mother. This is where true worship should be, and where the experience of divinity happens.

Out of nothingness comes the most blissful of experiences, and nothingness should always be our gateway to remembering. Out of trying to be in nothingness, the realization that we cannot be nothing is so clear that it will shower us with endless light.  The Divine fire burns while our breath must feed it, and achieve Yoga. There is no breath without fire and no fire without breath. This breath inhales in and out of our lungs and the entirety of creation. Where all life expands to, its secrets are embedded, and the motion of the Universe will never cease.

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