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Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 4

Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 4

Feng Shui From the Inside, Out Day 4

The Bagua

Sleep Magic is designed to touch every waking aspect of your life, the same facets of living that are addressed in Feng Shui through the device of an imaginary map that is laid over any given space, a map called the bagua. If you’ve been exposed to Feng Shui in the United States then you’ve no doubt heard a phrase like, relationship corner or money corner. These terms are slight misnomers as corners often have little or nothing to do with the area in question, but never mind that, the concept that lies behind the bagua is that from a given vantage point, different parts of a room – or house or property  – relate to different parts of life.

In the compass school of Feng Shui these aspects of life would be assigned to different directions – north, south, etc. – and addressed accordingly. In the early days of the psychological school the bagua was quite confusing as it would inevitably have the word ‘north’ hovering over what was the entry position to any space, a vestigial remnant of its compass origins. Over the years, any reference to actual compass directions fell away and the device became much easier to comprehend.


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The basic understanding of the bagua begins with the Entry Wall/Point of Consciousness. The entry wall to any space is the wall where the door to the space is. In the case of rooms with more than one entry, it would generally be considered to be the door most frequently used although if more than one door is frequently used, each wall can be considered an entry wall and the bagua map can be laid out in each direction, overlapping itself just as it will in any room where, in addition to the door leading into the space, there are also areas where people spend a large portion of time.

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