Inner World of Yoga – Day 4
Inner World Yoga Day 4
Be a Warrior with Vision, Intent, Steadiness, Inner Strength and Ease
Yoga Journey with Wendy
Today’s practice is the asana, Virabhadrasana II (Warrior 2). All the Warrior poses build strength, balance, and steadiness, physically as well as mentally. We use the focus of Tadasana or Mountain Pose in all our asanas to find and develop our ability to practice with ease and steadiness.
Not surprisingly, this same ease and steadiness — sukha and stihra (presented in Tadasana, Day 1, Week 1) — carries over into our mental and psychological functions and emotional life, increasingly smoothing out the bumps in the road as time goes on.
Even if you already have a regular yoga practice, you will find something in here for you. We must always unlearn or let go of the past to learn and move forward in life. Going ever deeper into ourselves until we expand outward into growth. Asana practice is one of the tools of Yoga that brings us that experience by linking the body and mind through breath. It is always about self-observation and focus, reaching towards the minutest level of nuances possible until the freedom of being in the pose reveals itself.
The Warrior has intent to conquer the self, bringing what is hidden into light.
Be a Warrior for Your Own Growth and Fulfillment
Move into Focused Wholeness
I wish you strength, Centeredness and Determined Intent
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