Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 9
Awaken Your Clairabilities Day 9 by Michelle Beltran
How to Tune Into the Spirit World
Today’s Challenge:
After reading through the below information, think back to experiences or events when you were in tune with your psychic, intuitive and mediumship abilities and had a direct connection with Spirit World. Then, share your experiences with all of us in the discussion forum!
Some Must-Knows
We are all psychic! Whether you know it or not or even believe it or not – you are psychic. You were born with this deep seated intuitiveness. Having said that, we can all learn to play the piano but we may not all become Mozart-like in our level of piano playing. Everyone’s chosen path will be unique and valuable however regardless to what extent they take their intuitive knowing.
Remember that this journey is not about being a medium or psychic. Rather, it is about self-actualization and your own spiritual growth and advancement. Ask yourself, “What am I learning about myself?” as you open this door.
The ability to talk with spirit and/or be psychic is like a muscle. It absolutely gets stronger with time and practice. The challenge for most is not being psychic but rather believing that they are.
Golden Rules
Rule #1: There is no golden rule! This journey is unique and highly individual. Honor that.
Rule #2: Say what you see! Too often students are afraid to say what they are seeing or recognize it as truth. In so doing they lose valuable and meaningful information. What you are receiving always has meaning.
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