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Inner World of Yoga – Day 9

Inner World of Yoga – Day 9


Inner World of Yoga Day 9

By Wendy Kolanz

Breath Awareness – Finding Rest in the Spaces

To come to know the true nature of your mind, you need to incorporate practices that allow you access. The practices of Pranayama or breath control, are very powerful, and when practiced regularly will bring insight and inner knowing, building day to day. This increasing self-knowledge leads to greater inner strength and fortitude, a better perception of life, and better decisions for better outcomes, in every area of your life.

Today’s practice builds on and deepens the practice of simple (but highly effective) Breath Awareness.

For more details on how and why using this practice to calm the body is so beneficial to your health and wellbeing, for the body and the mind, see the audio/video below for information and a guided practice. Audio/Video is 8.5 minutes long.

Go deeper into awareness of Breath by resting in the spaces between inhalation/ exhalation and exhalation/inhalation. 

See Also

Join me tomorrow for another practice on accessing the mind to learn its true nature and bring more calm and steadiness to your life.



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