Living Your Angelic Messages – Day 9
Dear Children, Peace is a feeling in your hearts, down to the very core, where you feel clarity about all you are experiencing now. Sometimes this is easy for you to see and sometimes it is hard. Know that when you look deep within your core, that is where love is and that love is where the light you are is. Realize that the light you shine is indeed the light of God. God is within all of us and God’s light will bring true happiness and peace to you. We ask you to be patient with understanding this feeling of God’s light, because it is something you all possess. Positive affirmations can help with this and bolster your heart in feeling this way.
Journal exercise:
What kind of affirmations with help your to feel at peace and happy to the core of your being? How else can you let the light in and be at peace? Think about it and journal about it.
OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality