30 Days of Healing Food – Day 10
30 Days of Healing Food Day 10
A Natural Healthy Diet for Children with Health Challenges – We Can…
By Dr. Paul Haider
Diet means everything and good nutrition goes a long way towards creating a well rounded balance in the minds, bodies, and spirits of our child. And for children with ADD, Autism, Obesity, and other health challenges having a natural nutrient dense live food diet is essential.
There have been many people who came down with cancer and by changing their diet to a plant based whole foods diet… became disease free. And many parents of children with health challenges are putting their children on plant based whole foods diets and finding their health challenges disappear.- GREAT!
Juicing – Fresh natural juices are jam packed full of powerful nutrition that would normally take hours to eat, so it’s very important to drink at least 4 to 8 oz of fresh juice daily. This juice should include cucumbers, celery, kale, apples, carrots, and just about any other green veggie you can think of including chard, beet tops, collard greens, and more. Make the juice yourself, buy yourself a good juicer and make juicing a family fun time in the morning and in the afternoon.
Chlorophyll is very important for cleansing the body and for powerful energy and for sustained energy. Plus fresh juice micro nutrients go into the cells (within 15 minutes)and start scrubbing away all the toxins, thus all the cells become invigorated and start working correctly. Thus the immune system is given a boost… and invading bacteria, viruses, and toxins are flushed out or negated, thus children have strong and healthy bodies.
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